Going to Edinburgh was not on my bucketlist, but seeing as impulsecontroll’s not my strong suit, I booked a trip for me and my husband last year. And since that trip I simply cant wait to go back.
It was just one of those places where you fit right in. The atmosphere, the people, the architecture and the history. Oh the history. Yes, I’m somewhat of a geek when it comes to the Scottish history, dont get me started.
Edinburgh gave me a lesson in Gin. I had no idea that there were so many different kinds of Gin. Have you ever had sloe gin? It’s redonkulously tasty, and quite frankly a good gin and tonic has become somewhat of a favorite coctail. My drink of choice is usually a dry cider, which I found plenty of in Edinburgh, but their gin really impressed me.
I promise, I will share more of the images from Edinbugh.