Relaxing in the sun
The weather was not all great during our christmas trip to Funchal Madeira, but even though it wasent warm enough to wear a bikini all day you still got to enjoy the sun. The evenings got a bit cold, like jeans and a sweater cold, so kind of like swedish summers but we did have a lot of bikini moments during the earlier parts of the day where we could just hang around the pool.
I had a variety of different clothings packed, everything from bikinis and shorts to smaller jackets and longer dresses. And I used everything. I would say that Madeira during christmas makes it hard to pack lightly. Not that I ever, I’m kind of high maintenance and I need my stuff. So if you are like me, then pack both sneakers and sandals, dont even think about trying to fit in a weekendbag, bring a fullsize suitcase.

Så skönt❤
Ja Funchal var ett mycket trevligt resmål, jag hade gärna sett det även på sommaren. Det sägs att det ska vara en magisk grönska 😊