Pegasus Airlines
Pegasus Airways. I mean have you ever heard of it? I hadn’t, atleast not untill we booked our flight to Istanbul. I was so sure it would be just a no name airline, really small and simple. Maybe due to the fact that we were traveling to the small airport of istanbul. I couldnt have been more wrong…
Its not a small airport, its huge. Restaurants, pubs, taxfree shops and lots and lots of hangarounds. Theres simply nothing small about it. I was wrong. Anyways back to the airline.
And I was wrong about the airline, Pegasus may not be known to little old me in Sweden, but its quite a big airline that flies all over europe, 35 domestic and 75 international flights. Thats quite big right.
I was impressed both with the all friendly cabincrew and the great pilot.
You know that nasty sounds the landinggear makes when you’re going in for landing and you know you’re in for butterflies in your stomach and coldsweats. Well, dont bother even thinking about it. Pegasus airlines gave me the best experience ever when it comes to take off and landings. I heard the landinggear, felt a small bump, we hit the ground and that was it. Best ever.
There was some what of a turbulence when we were about to land in Stockholm again, but I can hardly blame the airline for the winds, the pilot did a great job despite the heavy winds.
The legspace is per usual, but seats are lower. And no, I never have a problem with getting enough space, seeing as Im travelsized, my problem is always the opposite. The seats are always to high so my feet never touch the floor. And you know the feeling when you kind of loose the feeling in your feet due to bloodlust? Thats how I roll. But not with Pegasus Airlines, so thank you.
This post is long enough, so Im gonna keep it short about the menu. Sandwiches, sodas, nuts and Candy to affordable prices. And if you take your time to order your food from home, you’ll get a bigger menu to chose from and a discount.
To sum it up, I really liked Pegasus Airways and I would most definatly recommend you flying with them.

Katy Gilroy
Good to know that they’re a decent airline to fly with, thank you!
That is really cool review. I have heard a lot about them and it seems like they are going to a lot of different places so it is super usefull to actualy hear something more about them
They really are, I do recommend them 😊
Cool, you have heard of them before. I hadnt 😊
I’ve never heard of this airline either. It’s good to know that they offer quite a few flights and have good service.
I’ve enver heard of this airline either, but is sounds like it’s a great one to fly with. I love flihts with a friendly crew as it makes the experience so much better! I’ll have to fly with them when I am on that side of the world 😊
I think I might have heard of Pegasus Airlines in passing but I’ve never flown with them. I guess I assumed they would be like RyanAir. It’s always so much better when you fly with a crew who are friendly and helpful.
I know right? 😃
You really should try them, they have some really affordable prices so you will not get ripped off 😊
Where are you from?
I do to Katherrine, not that I really dislike Ryan Air, but they are not my favorite airline. And I totally agree with you, flying with a friendly crew means everything 😊
Is Pegasus Airlines considered a budget airline? I’d be interested in flying with them especially if their prices were significantly cheaper than other airlines. Like you, I haven’t heard of the airline until now. Now I’ll check them out!
I dont know if they are a budget airline Martha, I think they’re more of a Low cost flighs. But I do recommend that you check them out 😊
I’ve seen Pegasus operates in many destinations but have never flied with them. Next time for sure now that I know you had a great experience 😊
Thanks for the review of Peagus airlines. I’ve never heard of it before, but it’s good to know that it is a reliable airline flying to many European destination. I’ll certainly consider it the next time I’m looking for affordable flights within Europe.
Try em out 😊
Let me know how it goes 😊
Huh! I’ve never heard of Pegasus, but now I know! I love a first-hand reviews like this. Thanks!
Its always great to have some reviews to rely on 😊
Sorry to be negative but I flew a lot with Pegasus and in my opinion they´re worse than Ryan Air. Cheap and you get what you pay for. If you go one way it´s maybe ok but count on delays. If you´re going with them to catch another plane, you´re lucky if you really catch the other one, doesn´t matter if you have 2 hours or more between the flights.
I and 17 other was once stuck in Istanbul in the middle of the night due to delay so we all missed the other flight and had to find our own place for the night and buy new tickets the next day. Pegasus claimed Force Major. So be aware it could happen to you.
Hey Sanna, thanks for letting me know!
There are always gonna be disapointments with the cheaper airlines, but my experience with Pegasus is that they are one of better. But I could have been lucky, I have only flown with them once, but that time way god.
I am sorry to hear about your trip with Pegasus though, sorry that happend to you!
KB Gamblin
I’ve never heard of this airline, but it’s SO good to know that theyre worth flying with! Will definitely keep them on my radar for future flights!
Hey KB, love your blog BTW 😊
Yes, you should really check them out, they are well worth trying.