Top 6 tasty tastings in Europe
Yes, in my opinion, this is the Top 6 of Tasty Tastings in Europe – of all the things we have tried. They are catagorized by date, staring with the first tasting we did, ending with last. Not in the order of what we liked best. And yes, I have done a few other tastings aswell, like a winetasting in Thessaloniki Greece many years ago, but it was kind of to long ago to have a keen memory of it.
So, what did we like the best?
I am gonna give a bit of a booring answer here… the best thing about these kind of tastings and experiences is that it has opened my eyes to the fun of it. Dont get me wrong, I knew they were out there, but experiencing them first hand was all kinds of differnt. Nowadays I always check for tastings and experiences regaring food and drinks when I have booked a trip or are in research mode, thats what I like the best, it comes naturally to check for them.
So tell me, have you been to any tastings? What kind, and did you like it?

How fun! I particularly like the beer spa!
I love doing tastigs! I think the best we did was wine tasting in Mendoza, Argentina, finishing up at vineyard for lunch…one of the best days! I’d be happy to do all the ones you did though 😊
Phoebe | Lou Messugo
I love whisky tastings in Scotland. I’ve done a few but I haven’t done any gin tastings…now that sounds pretty good too!
So do I Candy, it was a really cool experience 😃
Haha Nicky 😃 I love tastings to, and the one you have done seems amazing! I would love to visit a wineyard in Italy, that would be a bit of a dream come true 😊
So do I Phoebe, we have done two whiskey tastings in Edinburgh, really great 😊 And yes, you should try a Gintasting, its was a great evening 😊
I don’t drink a ton of alcohol so I am very selective about what I drink as I can’t have too many, these all look like great options for enjoying a little of the liquid throughout Europe!
That is an interesting list. I tried wine tasting in Porto, Portugal and Beaune, France. I can barely distinguish the flavors though, so all that knowlede is basically wasted on me.
haha Richa 😃 Maybe wine is not for you?
Then maybe you could try like a cheesetasting instead, that might be more up for alley>? I would like to go on one too 😃
Must try the beer spa next time I am in Prague. Was your skin any smoother?
Yes it sure was 😊
I know there are beerspas in several places across Europe, just google it and you’ll find a bunch. Its really a kind of spa that I recommend, it was such a cool experience!
LOL – for some reason, I was expecting food tastings when I came to this page. Your idea is clearly more fun.
Haha Rhonda 😃 You know me better than expecting foods 😉
Great options! They all sound fun! We would probably go for the wine first. 😊
Aditi Sharma
So many fun choices that I’d love to experience. The beer spa looks interesting – must have been quite a unique experience.
This is perfect because I vote for the saffron gin and I have not yet been to Edinburgh! I’ll have to move it up the priority list!
Jag tycker också om att provsmaka. Ibland köper jag, någon gång har jag rynkat på näsan! 😊
Thats a sure card Leah 😊
It sure was Aditi, it was a new and fun way to use beer 😉
On yes, really make sure to go to Edinburgh, thats such an amazing city! And if you do go, then make sure to look up a Gin tasting at the Wild Yarrow 😊
Samma här, utav alla de olika så köpte vi endast med oss från vin och whiskeyprovningen.
Wasn’t the beer spa in Prague awesome? I know some people think of it as “touristy” but I didn’t care. My sister and I did it together and had a blast.
I love trying out the national alcohols when I visit countries. One of the nicest was Riga Black from Latvia. I always try and take a little bottle of the local alcohol back as souvineers 😊
Although I don’t think I’ve ever tried Slovakian wine, I do love Hungarian wine. Even so, I’d probably like the wine tasting the most!
It was great, best thing ever 😃
So do I 😃
Try them all if you have the chance 😋 Its a really great way to get that extra cool experience whilest travelling 😊
Jay Artale
It’s interesting to travel to different countries and discover local drinks, especially the beers for local breweries or indepdented brew houses. We just visited one in Montpellier, France – and have fond memory of a blonde beer we enjoyed.
I have been to a couple of wine tastings all these sound like interesting and fun ideas to explore