We found this really cool post at our fellow travelblogger Litemerarosa and looking around we found out that Stadtillstrand had filled in the list as well, so hey, lets do it!
This post is about how many capitals you have visited whilst travelling around the world. And to be honest, we did not think that we had visited that many, but after reading our fellow bloggers posts we found ourselfs thinking “Hey, we’ve been there to!” This maybe a bit unfair, cuz this is our combined list of capitols, but then again, theres two of us writing on this blog and we both wanted to do the list. So lets see who of us has been to the most capitals, Ann or Angelica?
Finland, Helsinki.
Oh yes, moste swedes has taken a cruiseship from Stockholm to Helsinki. And even though the cruise that we did to Finland together took us to Turku, we have both been to Helsinki before. But none of us have any digital photoes from our trips, sorry.
Angelica 1
Ann 1
France, Paris.
No, not yet, but soon. Maybe it shouldnt even be on the list, since we havent gone there yet, but we are going there at the end of may.
Angelica 0
Ann 0
Czech republic, Prague.
This was actually the second trip we took together, we both the trips as a christmas present for our men. And for us, haha 😀 The thing that we all loved the most was the Beerspa, for sure!
Angelica 1
Ann 1
Greece, Athens.
As you know, Ann went there to celebrate New years eve. Angelica had to stay behind this year, her little Baby J hasn’t even gotten her first passport yet.
Angelica 0
Ann 1
Hungary, Budapest.
The best trip ever, this was a city we all completly fell in love with. Even though we visited during the later parts of autumn and the city was partly in a greish mood we all loved it, it was imply an amazing city with to much to do to make it through the city in a weekend. We are definatly going back there!
Angelica 1
Ann 1
Ireland, Dublin.
Oh yes, a bunch of us went there for new years 2018 and we sure had a blast driving around the wheelchair that Angelica was in at that moment of time, visiting the Guinness museum and seeing all of the stunning christmas decorations that filled the entire city.
Angelica 1
Ann 1
Italy, Rome.
Angelica has been wanting ti visit Rome and we have actually been talking about it, but theres nothing scheduled yet. Ann and her husband was there a few years ago on a weekend.
Angelica 0
Ann 1
Netherlands, Amsterdam.
Ann visited for a weekend of photography, she did a bunch of different model photoshoots.
Angelica 0
Ann 1
Norway, Oslo.
Did you know that Angelica actually lived in Oslo for a while? So why are there no images and blogposts one might ask…
Angelica 1
Ann 0
Scotland, Edinburgh.
If you have read our blog for a while, you know that Ann is kind of obsessed with this city right?
Angelica 0
Ann 1
Slovakia, Bratislava.
This trips was a long time ago, way back in the days…
Angelica 0
Ann 1
Spain, Madrid.
We loved this city, all four of us. Its one of those crazy weekends where you look back and laugh! 😀 We did not really see all of the touristy places, we were to buzy enjoying the nightlife.
Angelica 1
Ann 1
Sweden, Stockholm.
Yes, as we live about an hour from Stockholm, we can clearly say yes.
Angelica 1
Ann 1
United Kingdom, London.
We have both been, but never together.
Anglica 1
Ann 1
USA, Washington.
This was a trip taken about fifteen years ago. Anns brother inlaw was married in DC so they flew in for a weekend. Talk abot a blur and a jetlag. Nope, no digital images.
Angelica 0
Ann 1
Vatican City.
Mhm, during the trip to Rome, we visited the Vatican City.
Angelica 0
Ann 1
Angelica 8
Ann 14
Hey this was a fun list to do! And please let us know if you do the list, we would love to read yours 🙂
//A & A

Think maybe i’ll do the list to – love to read about something like this. It’s awesome – and wauw so many destinations😍
Oh yes, let us know if you do the list 😊
And yeah, I know, we had visited more capitals than I thought we did. So much fun! Maybe we should try to visit a capital each year, that would be a fun addition to the bucketlist of 2020 😃
Super Busy Mum
I have visited two on your list and due to visit another with my family this summer! Great list!
Which two did you visit?
Yeah ofc 😃 I actually have on my bucketlist in 2020 to visit at least one capital
Which one? 😃
Oj så roligt. Måste räkna nån gång
Kul att läsa er lista också! Det var ganska många huvudstäder som vi hade gemensamt 😊
Wow, this defintiely makes me realise I haven’t done a lot of travelling! I haven’t even seen the captial city of MY OWN country! Hahaha
I haven’t been to many countries outside of the United States. I have been to Manila, Philippines. haha. But I have been to many State Capitols. haha And yes I have been to Washington, DC.
Scotland och Madrid hade jag gärna rest till!! 😃 <3
Scott N.
Nothing like a little “capitols visited” competition to get your travel planning in gear! 😃
One thing I enjoy about visiting the “big cities” is that the people in them all have a similar sensibility and experience. I think the cosmopoliting vibe brings a certain shared universality. Main differences are in things like food, architecture, and subtle cultural differences.
Ja den var jättekul, du borde också testa 😊
Ja det var det jag också kände när jag läste din, jag hade varit på många ställen du har besökt 😊
Haha oh Meg, just get to it! You are the only one not making it possible 😊
Explore the world!
So how many state capitols have you visited?
Asså Scotland… du bara måste Emma, det är bäst! 😃
Vi åker dit för tredje gången nu till våren och jag kan inte få nog!
And the main thing is what I enjoy most about travelling, food, architecture and the cultural differences 😃
Leslie L Denning
I have visited a number of State Capitols in the United States, but have never been to Washington, D.C. It’s too crowded for me. I kind of like wide open spaces with not a lot of people. Hope you get to visit a few capitols in 2020!
This was cool to think about! I think I’ve been to 7 U.S. capitols. I have not visited outside of the country yet…but soon hopefully!
Thank you for sharing such aweosme blog post. I’ll share it to some of my friends.
Which states have you visited?
Keeping my fingers crossed that you get to travel outside US in 2020!
I have Edinburgh and Helsinki on my mind 😆
I have Edinburgh and Helsinki on my mind 😆
I have Edinburgh and Helsinki on my mind 😆
Ntensibe Edgar
I love this! Personally, I have only visited two cities; that is, Nairobi and Dar-es-Salaam! Very good places to be but I recommend you start with Dar!!!
Many fab capitals here for sure
Sara | mshealthesteem.com
My list is much shorter than yours haha. You’ve traveled to many lovely locations! What adventures ♡. Thanks fot sharing 😊
i love to travel. a few of those are on my bucket list. so much fun to visit new places.
Dana Brillante-Peller
this would be a wonderful trip to take with the hubs. Adding it to my bucket list
Oh thank you for the travel tips 😊
Oh yes Malany, how many have you been to?
Thank you for stopping by Sara 😊
I agree, its so much fun to travel, I love it 😊
Safe travels Dana 😊
I have been a few on the list but adding some to our bucket list for sure!
What a cool post. I’ve been to a few capital from your list and hope to visit more in 2020!
Rätt häftigt med Vatikanstaten. Att mitt i Italiens huvudstad så bildar man ett annat land.
Jag har faktiskt varit i 9 av dessa hihi! Så kul inläggsidé!
Jag har varit i samtliga du presenterar utom en Washington. Det har blivit några fler – ska kolla upp det vid ett tillfälle!
Safe travels Rebecca 😊
Thank you 😊
Ja men eller hur!
Har du varit där?
Åh vad kul, hojta till om du gör ett inlägg om det, hade varit kul att läsa 😊
Vad kul 😊 Vilka då`?
All are great place. Would love to travel such kind of place. thank you so much
Ja det har jag, båda gångerna jag var i Rom.
elizabeth o
I love the way your shared your travel story with us. It does come down to the geographic location first and foremeost then the rest follows.
I actually neve even visited my country’s captial yet. I need to make my way to Washington d.C. soon.
Thanks for stopping by 😊
Hope you enjoyed the read Elisabeth 😃
Haha Lily, get to it! 😃
Ooh, I’ve been to more capitals than I thought. On that list, I haven’t been to Oslo but will do in August – yay!
I think I have been to all except 3 & would you believe one of those is Oslo! I clearly need to spend more time in Scandanavia!
Some great cities on this list!
I never thought of counting places visited by capitals, but I have been to 8 capitals from your list. We are not city lovers, but whenever you fly to a country, the international airport is invariably in the capital and you cannot avoid it. Visiting Helsinki in Finland is in my bucket list!.
What a fun thing to do – I might just have to do the same and see how many I come up with. It’s a nice way to take a virtual trip back to wonderful places too 😊