Lets go traintrotting around the world
A small part of my family lives down in Småland, which is a part of the south of Sweden. My family uses to be less spread out, but at least all but one of us lives around Stockholm. So that is why we had a bit of a swecation for the Christmas holidays, which is always nice. Don’t you agree?
But that was not what I wanted to talk about, I was actually thinking of the huge difference in comfort when it comes to airplanes vs trains.
Last time we traveled by snälltåg, translated kind train, how cute is that? But this time we went with the faster train X2000. There is not a huge difference in time between the two trains though and not in cost either.
The seats are really comfy, on either of the trains, I can’t really tell for sure but it feels like the seats are wider compared to an airplane. You have so much more leg space, its ridiculous. I could easily place my carry-on bag in front of my feet and still have room for my legs. Most people would not fit that way but I do since I am a travel-sized woman, I rarely have a problem fitting into small spaces. If you have longer legs you could place your bags in the overhead compartment, and have plenty of leg space. There are even a few places in each carriage where you have seats for four people, with a table in the middle.
On planes, you have a variety of foods and beverages to choose from, and likewise on the train. The biggest difference is that you can stand up on the train and walk into the Bistro for a bite to eat, so you can get a change of scenery whilst on the train. You don’t have to be seated all the time and wait for your food cart to roll by.
And hey, even the bathrooms are biggest. Not big enough to dance in, but there is plenty of room to change a diaper. There are usually two bathrooms in each carriage.
I can not help but think of the endless places you could travel to from Stockholm Sweden, starting with Copenhagen in Denmark. That will take about 5 – 5,5 hours with the train from Stockholm to Copenhagen, depending on what train you choose and a roundtrip will cost you about 80€. If you go by flight it will take your time to travel to the airport, which takes me about an hour longer than to the train station. Then you have to be at the airport two hours ahead of departure. The flight takes an hour. From Copenhagen airport into Copenhagen, well about 15 minutes. So if you go by flight it takes you 4,15 minutes and it will cost you about 100€. And trains will take you about an hour longer.
So what do you say, let’s go train trotting around the world?

Håller med. Tåg är så bekvämt /En till med långa ben
Johan | Grattisvarlden.se
Snälltåg kommer från tyskans Schnellzug ”snabbtåg” eller mer korrekt överatt för den tiden expresståg. Annars håller jag med om bekvämligheten med tågresor. Jag är SJ Svart Prio sedan många år och reser ofta med tåg i Europa, Asien och USA.
Ja jättebekvämt 😊
har du rest mycket via tåg?
Åh vad roligt! Jag skulle också gärna resa mer med tåg utomlands, har tex länge nu velat åka tåg genom scotland, men det har inte riktigt blivit av än…
Nej, tågpendlat till jobb och semestrat i Köpenhamn
Yeees! Trains are so much more comfortable than planes! And more romantic… they give you time to dream and to think, without the hassle of squeezing against the person sitting next to you, or the anxiety of taking off and landing… Well said!
Loved reading this! I too am a ‘travel sized woman’ 😂 perfect for squeezing into small spaces. I’d love to do this train journey, I honestly didn’t realise that Sweden had a good rail network. Definitely something for me to consider when I plan my trip to Scandinavi. Thank you!
Loved reading this! I too am a ‘travel sized woman’ 😂 perfect for squeezing into small spaces. I’d love to do this train journey, I honestly didn’t realise that Sweden had a good rail network. Definitely something for me to consider when I plan my trip to Scandinavi. Thank you!
I definitely want to do some train-trotting! This is an inspiration!
Traintrotting looks like so much. Wow, it has been years since I have been on a train. Now I really want go traintrotting.
I know right?
I am so looking into the possibilities of travelling more by train, if not from sweden than maybe I could travel some more with in europe by train 😊
Haha Nicky, us travel sizes got to stick together, so give me a shoutout when you’re comming my way 😊
Thank you Daisy, glad you enjoyed the read 😊
I know right, I cant wait to book that trip 😃
Ntensibe Edgar
Oh yes, Anngelic! I definitely would use leg-room that is ample and just enough for me. I hate cramping up my feet and besides, I have never been on a train before.
Traintrotting is definitely a lot of fun! More legroom, wider seats and opportunities to walk to the Bistro or dining area. I love train travel! 😊
Kristine Nicole Alessandra
I think traveling in a train would be a lovely experience. It would allow you to see beautiful scenery and you can just sit and relax and enjoy the view.
Looks like so much fun and you would see so much of the beautiful landscape
Sarah M
It’s been a while I have travelled on the train and this post is compelling me to plan a trip in the near future.
Yeah it does sounds like fun 😊
Hoping to trying it out soon!
Oh yes, imagine travelling through Europe and seeing it all from the train, that would be a dream come true 😊
It sure does Stephen 😊
Hope you will get to do that train-trip soon Sarah 😊
There is something comforting about travelling by train, whether I am working, reading or just watching the world go by outside the window. My favourite journeys are to Scotland or through Italy.
Är dålig på att resa i Sverige, så enda tågresan för mig brukar bli ner till Göteborg för att komma till flygplatsen. Men utomlands så älskar jag att åka tåg(eller buss) mellan platser. Man får se så mycket mer av landet till skillnad från om man tar flyget.
Lisa Dorenfest
I am a HUGE fan of train travel and have enjoyed travel by rail in many countries, but sadly, never in Northern Europe. My next dream (when I finish my second sailing circumnavigation) is to travel via rail from London to China. But in the interim, I’d be thrilled to take travel from Stockholm to Copenhagen.
emman damian
I want to try this in Europe! It seems so fun just enjoying the view and sounds!
That seems lika an amazing trip 😊
Jag också, när vi åker till småland är enda gången vi åker tåg 😊
Men jag skulle gärna testa att åka mer, fast då hellre i europa. Scotland eller Italien hade inte varit så dumt 😋
Oh London to China seems like quite the adventure 😊
So do I, I would love to see more of europe from a train 😊
Traintrotting is such an fun – and healthy way….for the trotter and the environment. Love exploring Europe by train <3
Serene Xi
I don’t travel by train because I always thought there was a huge difference in comfort when it comes to airplanes vs trains. Reading your blog, I have some new ideas about train travel. Also, I’m worried about the recycled air quality on planes with the coronavirus, which is likely to become the next pandemic.
Åh när jag flyttar till London ska jag försöka resa mer med tåg! Där är det ju så centralt att det funkar, däremot lite svårare med Edinburgh då man alltid måste tåga till just London först!
I would love that too 😃
I think it would be a great deal of fun to start planning a traintrip through out europe, italy, france maybe spain… I would love that 😊
Åhååå spännande, när flyttar ni till London? 😃
Vi funderar på tåg från Edinburgh till Glasgow, är det värt resan över dagen?
I love a good train journey. I bet the scenery travelling through Sweden is beautiful.
Much prefer to travel by train than the plan. More relaxing and you get to enjoy the scenery along the way too!
Fina bilder på dig 😊 kommer också från Småland kram
Oh it sure is 😊
I am just starting to realise that 😊
Tack Diana 😃
Train travel is such a great way to see where you are visiting. We have done a number of train trips and have loved them.
I would love to do more train travel. We went from Paris to Munich by train the last time we were in Europe and it was a breeze. I’d love to get a month-long pass in the U.S. or Europe and just hop around to all kinds of stops.
Carrie Ann | Should Be Cruising
I fly a lot, and I’ve been considering train travel for some journeys. I hate being stuck in a tiny airplane seat for most of the flight. Love the idea of being able to get up and move around, plus having views of the scenery going by!
Train trotting is a cool concept! They are becoming more popular around North America now, but I have always wanted to do it in Europe!
I would easily ditch the plane for a train ride! Absolutely enjoy train journeys and love travelling around Europe on train whenever I could. So much less hassle with security and baggage clearance plus it offer great opportunity to appreciate the landscape we pass through. Count me in on your traintrotting around the globe.