12 Bucket list foods
So okay, we have all some kind of bucket list. We make one every year for our different travel destinations, makes sense to us since we’re a travel blog. But this bucket list I thought we could do things a little different…
One thing that I guess most people enjoy whilst traveling is the food culture, so with that in mind, I wanted to see if we could make a bucket list with different kinds of foods from all over the world, with all kinds of different dishes that we want to try out. Some of them we have already tried, some are in the near future and some of them need a bit more long term planning. Anyways, let’s start this…
1. Gumbo in New Orleans.
Oh yes, I cant wait to try out the Gumbo in Nola, or the crawfish in general. one of the main reasons that I have been wanting to visit is the food culture, and the music of course, but the food. Can’t wait. I even want to do a cooking lesson so I can bring some of the experience back home.
2. Kleftiko in Greece.
This is something that I have actually tasted, both on the island of Rhodes and in Athens. The first one in Rhodes was better, even though we tried it at a more fancy restaurant in Athens.
2. Escargo in France.
It’s at the top of the list. We have talked about this, and we’re definitely trying it out when we get to Paris later this spring. I will let you know what it was like!
4. Gelato in Italy.
Well, yes I know that I have been to Italy more than once… but I have never tried the gelato. I am more of a pasta girl and don’t even get me started on the pizza. But I have never tried the gelato, so its on the list even though I am not really a fan of ice-cream.
5. Döner kabab in Turkey.
I have had it so many times, in Alanya, in Oba, in Side, and in Özdere, but as I was going through my archive of images, I could not find a single image. Does that mean I have to go back and do it again?
6. Tandori Chicken in India.
Just the sound of it makes me hungry. But I have never need in India, so it’s on the to-do list, and I definitely would like to try the Tandori when we get there. If we get there.
7. Paella in Spain.
Oh, I don’t know how many times I have eaten paella… we have had it several times in Barcelona, we ate it Madrid and I do relive we had it in Marbella as well. Paella and sangria, I just love it!

9. Rod Polse in Denmark.
This is a streetfood I would love to try, so we are definitely doing it when we get to Copenhagen. I do relive its served with mustard and dried onions flakes, sounds really good.
10. Fresh coconut in Bali.
On a beach, sipping a coconut. Whos with me?
11. Sushi in Japan.
I have just recently tried sashimi for the first time, so I would pick both sushi and sushimi if we ever go to Japan.
12. Haggis in Scotland.
She talks the talk, but does she walk the walk, right? No, I have not tried it on either one of our trips to Edinburgh. Black pudding looks fine, I would try that, but Haggis… it looks disgusting. But okay, I will try it.
So my friends, are you hungry yet?
Hopefully, this list has inspired you to try out some of the food cultures when you’re traveling the world and exploring new things. Maybe you’ve even found a favorite thing that you always eat when you are traveling to that very specific place, I would love to hear about it. Or do you have a bucket-list-worthy food tip that’s not on my list, but should be?

Det är en mycket intressant list
Marias memoarer
Rolig idé, kanske jag hakar på 😊 Jag brukar haka upp mig på speciella drickor när jag reser och som jag sedan alltid förknippar med platsen, t.ex. sangria på Teneriffa, changöl i Thailand, myntate i Amsterdam och färskpressad granatäpplejuice i Israel-Palestina 😋
Omg GELATO is the BEST thing ever!!! 😍😍 you can get near any taste you want – oreo, bueno, any chocolateflavour, nuts, nutella, mango, strawberry, anything. mhhhmm
The coconut in Bali isnt that great… 🤔
Have you tried chimney cake in Budapest?
Ps. Rød pølse i DanmarK er også unikt haha 😀 Mange ældre mennesker koger faktisk røde pølser til middagsmad
Döner kebab testade jag faktiskt nu i höstas när jag var till Alanya! Är inget fan av just kebab osv, men det var helt okej 😄
Intressant lista, mat är onekligen en del av resandet även om jag tyvärr är lite feg av mig.
Om jag någonsin återvänder till Tjeckien så blir det utan tvekan en(eller flera) trdelnik. Nästan värt att åka bara för att få smaka en igen.
I’ve had the opportunity to experience 8 of the 12 so far. However, I’m like you unsure I’d be open to trying Haggia. Maybe I could be tempted
I love this list! I’m a huge lover of food, so I think it’s important to try new things all the time. Escargot is so good, by the way!
Olga Maria
Wonderful food bucket list, I think I’m only missing a few like the haggis in Scotland but I’m pretty sure I’ve crossed off a lot
There are some really good ideas here for sure. I have always wanted to visit Japan – such a lovely palce xx
Fatima Torres
I’d love to try a gelato in Italy, too! I hear some of the best foods come from their origins.
Det ska bli intressant att höra om sniglarna sen
the joyous living
i hagelato in italy walking along the river. very yummy! ii hope you get a chance to test out your list – sounds like a good one. hope i am typing right because i cannot see anything i’m typing the font is so lite.
Grodlår stod på min lista i många år, men så förra sommaren fick jag äntligen smaka. Det var gott! Sniglar har jag ätit flera gånger i Frankrike , vitlökssmöret är gott men konsistensen på sniglarna inget vidare. Numera associerar jag dem med mördarsniglarna i min trädgård, så aldrig mer…
Wonderful options. I am from India so I know about kebabs. Really yummy ones. I love Gelateno too.
Dreams Abroad
Gelato in Italy is a no brainer… it is better than ice cream and yogert! Sushi in Japan is also much better than in the states.
Terri Steffes
We have had several of these but not all of them. We’ve had most of them in the states but we did have paella in Spain! Marbella and in Madrid.
Jessica Collazo
I love Paella and I’ve tried gumbo and is so good.
I don’t think I could try escargot. However I’ve heard its good. I love gumbo. This is a great list.
Lavern Moore
I’m excited to try the Kleftiko in Greece. Seems so delish and I love Greek food
tried about 6 of that list and my favourite is paella, I need need Need to try gumbo
Ntensibe Edgar
Hhhhmmmm….from your list, Gumbo and Gelato haven’t met my stomach yet. I would like to introduce them.
Om du kommer till turkiet igen så måste du prova Adana kebab om du inte har ätit det tidigare. Slår döner med hästlängder!!
Sen kan du hälsa på mig med om du vill… jag bor i Antalya!
kram kram
Paula Schuck
One thing I really love to do when visiting one of these countries is take a cooking class. Then you can actually make these dishes at home if you want. Paella would be a dish that I want to have on that list and learn to make.
This is such a good buket list twist. I definitely want to get gelato in italy!
Jag provade Haggis i Skottland, men från en väns tallrik. Perfekt att slippa betsälla en hel portion 😉 Smakade ok, men såg inte så gott ut.
I tried authentic spanish Paella. Trust me, it’s a food you don’t want to miss.
Ja den blev lite rolig =)
Du är så välkommen att sno listan 😊
No I did not try the cake in Budapest, but that only gives me a reason to go back 😋
Jag älskar turkist kebab 😃
Haha ska ha det i åtanke! 😃
Oh yes, maybe 😊
Thank you!
Well haggis is a hard one 😋
So do I Malanie 😊
I would love to visit Italy 😊
Haha ja det känns som en spännande sak att testa. Lite av ett måste 😃
I would love to try Gelato 😃
Det ska bli superspännande att få testa 😊
Vi kanske borde testa grodlår också när vi ändå är i Frankrike.
Oh how loverly 😊
I would love me some sushi 😃
Ah paella is the best! 😃
So do I 😃
I am so looking forward to trying gumbo 😊
Thats so so so good!
Me to 😊
haha 😃
Åh vad härligt!
Jag har faktiskt ätit Adana, både när jag var i Alanya och Özdere 😊 Älskar turkiet 😊
I have begun to check out the cooking classes, seems like so much fun. I am thinking of taking one in New Orleans 😊
Feel fre to copy the list Lily 😊
Haha nä det är just det, ser ser ju inte så smarrigt ut 😋
I know, its an amazing dish 😊
And I love the fact that you can order it for several people, to share 😊
Så roligt inlägg! 😃
I admire people who travel for food. Quite often I do not remember the names of local foods I have tried. But gelato I remember always. I just love it!
Gelato is definitely on my list too! This post has definitely awakened my taste buds
Sage Scott
This is a great bucket list, and I feel so fortunate that I’ve been able to cross many off of my personal list. I know snails can be a hard thing to think about eating, but man are they amazing! And even if an reader can’t quite bring themselves to eat the escargots, at least they can dip chunks of baguette into the garlic butter sauce!
I am not too adventurous with food. My favorites from your list are: Sushi in Japan and Gelato in Italy!! Yum! 😊
Paela is definitely one of my favourite food. Kleftiko was okay but my taste buds was not so incline. Need not mention my love for gelato! I am totally with you on a beach – sipping a coconut!! Awesome post!
Wow so many bucket list foods around the world. I love Gelato of Italy and Tandoori items of India. Greek food is also awesome and have many veggie varieties too.