Scotland - Edinburgh

The trip to Edinburgh during Beltane, canceled – again?!

You all know that I love Edinburgh right?
If I had not fallen in love with Edinburgh on the very instant we first met, I would have fallen in love with the city during our last trip. There’s just no place like this, where I feel this welcoming warmth every time I visit. It’s kind of like when you visit an old childhood friend that you have not seen for years, but it clearly does not matter that a long time has gone by, you’re still the best of friends.

All the images are taken during our trip to Edinburgh last summer.

But our relationship has not been the easiest to manage, the city has me running around in circles trying my best to make it work. During our short period of friendship, we have been through so much together… The first time we met was fine, clearly, then the hassle began as our second trip was threatened by the big SAS strike that finally got our last trip to Edinburgh during Beltane canceled. We re-booked that trip and made it there during the summer instead – but missed the Beltane festival 2019.

So, of course, we booked another trip to visit Edinburgh during this year Beltane, and you all remember how happy I was when we finally booked our trip for Beltane 2020 right?

Well… as I said, it’s not an easy-going relationship… this year’s trip to Edinburgh during Beltane was of course threatened as well, and it got canceled, this time by the Coronavirus. It kind of feels like I am not supposed to bee there during the festival… do you ever get the feeling that it is not meant to be? Me and Edinburgh just cant seem to play nice when it comes to this particular festival.

Hopefully, the situation will change for the better soon, I am keeping my fingers crossed, but we are still walking around with that feeling in the back of our heads that keeps saying that most future trips will be canceled… and I know, its for the best – right now, but it still sucks.

Have you ever had a similar experience with canceled trips?
Please let me know in the comment section below, I would love to hear your story.

Traveljunkies on involuntary rehab…

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