Almost springtime in Sweden
Springtime has almost hit our hometown here in Sweden, so its that time of year when the browns and greens are being convinced by the light and crispy greens to step aside. You all know that time, you can almost smell the colors in the air. The winds are still a bit chilly but if you find that place where the winds cant find you, the warmth from the sun is amazing. Yesterday, it was about 10 degrees Celsius so yeah, it’s still a bit chilly. And that’s 50 degrees Fahrenheit for those of you who use that system.
Has any gotten the hang of the conversion between Celsius and Fahrenheit? After googling it, I found out that it’s actually not that hard, you just double the °C figure and add 30. So 10 degrees Celsius x2 = 20. add 30 = 50 degrees Fahrenheit. See, quite easy. Okay, that was a side note.
But even though it’s almost warm enough to sit outdoors, we Swedes are getting ready to set up the patio or in this case, fixing Angelica and her fiance’s balcony into an outdoor living area. I know, its almost crazy, but when the sun finally is showing its face long enough during the days, that it actually gets a bit warm, the Swedes pop up like weeds. Everywhere you go during the sunny parts of the day the Swedes are lining up like Suricats to sunbathe, it looks quite funny.
And oh hey, there’s a picture och Angelica and Lee’s furry family member Lexi, isn’t she a beauty?
So have you started fixing up your outdoor areas yet? Or maybe you’re in a country where it’s warm enough all year round? Please let us know in the comment section below, we would love to hear your story. And hey, please let us know what town and country you are from.
// A & A

Your balcony looks so cosy! Where did you get your rug from? I need to sort out my balcony now that it’s getting warmer in London 😊
Mysig balkong! Jag har börjat plantera lite blommor på balkongen men behöver skura balkonggolvet och möblerna och det är ju inte riktigt lika kul som att plantera, så vi får se när det blir av (rättare sagt när jag lyckas övertyga min sambo att göra det 😊 ). Det känns som att man kommer tillbringa lite tid på balkongen i sommar så man behöver göra den så fin som möjligt.
What beautiful photos! We are working on our backyard outdoor space. We just ordered a hot tub. Making the best of the quarantine while we can.
Glad it is starting to warm up for you! We have been in spring for quite sometime already, here in Arizona. haha, we may reach 100 F already at the end of this week. I am not ready for it to be hot again. haha
This has me so excited fo spring. I may not be able to go anywhere, but I can look out my window and see things blooming, and that’s a nice thing.
I used to know how to convert celsius to fahrenheit but forgot, so thanks for the reminder haha. Looks like you guys have a beautiful view there. Great job on the patio!
Jessica Collazo
These pictures are so beautiful I would love a full spring again
Så mysigt med vår
what a beautiful balcony. it has great views! How I wish I live in the same place. <3 it looks so cozy.
Ana Rose
Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos. How I wish I could experience what you are describing very soon. But now, it seems that at this moment, we can just enjoy those sceneries by watching them in television or by looking at its photos. I hope the coronavirus pandemic ends soon we can finally enjoy going outside without fear of being infected.
It is so nice when spring weather is finally on the way! It seems like we get a warm day or two here, then lots of cold and rain (or even snow). But, we are getting there! A little bit of sun goes a long way 😊
Spring is really beautiful. The pictures are so nice and bright. I loved the drinks, looks pleasant and refreshing.
iamgeetha blog
Beautiful season of the yea!
Emma Engström
Nej men alltså gud vad härligt!! Får verkligen sommarfeelings 😃 <3
Looks lovely. I’m on lockdown in Cyprus…can’t wait to get home and spend some time in my yard.
Wendy Polisi
I am so glad to see the spring weather finally show up. I love being outside.
YEs we have it is always nice to make a pretty outdoor space so you can at least enjoy time in the fresh air
The Joyous Living
Happy Is that your patio?? How beautiful and what a view!! Happy Spring.
Looks so picturesque there, glad you’re able to enjoy yourself
Elicit Folio
The weather looks so beautiful in Sweden! I czn’t wait for the weather to improve here in th US
katrina kroeplin
i’m in WI, i can’t wait for spring to officially be here. i can’t wait to be able to spend more time outside.
Yeah, Spring is probably the best time of the year! But we are in lockdown now and cannot venture out too far. By the way, I like your easy conversion method from Celsius to Fahrenheit! 😊
Knycx Journeying
Just visited Sweden in Feb and it was still freezing cold ~ Finally spring is coming back and I hope everyone could go out, celebrate and enjoy some fresh aire after the virus outbreak. 😊 Knycx Journeying
I´m always in trouble when it comes to Celsius vs Fahrenheit lol really need to start fixing up the outdoor areas
The sunny pics look so lovely! I’m in southeastern Virginia (USA) and we had quite a mild winter. Spring has sprung here and since we have a “stay at home” order due to COVID-19, I spend my days at my desk in the sunroom watching the flowers begin to bloom and a pair of bluebirds nesting. Can’t wait until the eggs hatch and we get to see the baby birds.
Jay Artale
Spring is here and so is hayfever season! I revamped our derilict green house and have already got salad and tomatoes on the go. They’re loving the warm weather.
I am waiting for spring too. And you look so pretty! Enjoy yourself.
Wow, you had a nice springtime in Swden. Your patio balcony is having really a beautiful view and it seen you had a good meal too.
Marias Memoarer
Tack och lov att våren är här och sommaren väntar runt hörnet! Tänk om denna coronasituation skulle ha börjat i höstas och varit som värst i mörkaste november…
Åh jag blir verkligen SÅ glad av att se det här, solen och att våren är på g blir man så lycklig i själen av! 😃 <3
Isn’t it lovely when spring comes along, everything else seems to come alive as well, especially our energy! The spring sunshine is so theraupeutic these last few days that I enjoyed my garden very much. Now its gray again 😟 hopefully we will be back to having sunshine again. Lexi is adorable xx
Thank you Alison 😊
Det är en speciell känsla när man får börja vårfixa! 😊
Wow, I would love a hottub!
Haha I would love to feel warm again Matt 😃
I know right?
I just love the feeling of springtime 😊
I always need to remind myself of that 😃
Thanks Jessica 😃
Älskar vårens färger!
Keeping my fingers crossed Ana Rose!
It sure does Matysa 😊
Thank you Kuntala 😊
Äääälskar vårens alla färger! 😃
Lockdown in Cyprus sounds betetr than cold Sweden 😋
So do I Wendy 😊
So true Melanie 😊
Thank you! 😃
I cant wait for summer! 😊
We’re having warmwether one day, snow the other 😋
I agree Jan 😊
Haha well february in sweden is not the best time of year 😃
So am I Anna 😊
Oh that sounds amazing! 😊
Haha I feel you Jay 😃
Thank you! 😃
Thanks Yukti 😊
Ja usch, hemska tanke!
Men vi i Sverige får vara glada över att vi inte än så länge blvit inlåsta i karantän iallafall
Eller hur! Jag önskar varje morgon att sommaren har kommit!
It sure is Georgina!
We’re having a mix of weathers, sunshine one day and snor the other… Thats sweden during springtime! 😃
ser såååå härligt ut!! 😃
Spring is almost my favourite season (summer is the best!) when everything seems to come alive – it looks like spring in Sweden is glorious!
I’ve been fixing up my outdoor patio as well for the past few months, in fact I’m sitting at the patio table as I write this. I just love eating and drinking outdoors!