4 favorite Italian drinks
As you’ve all seen we’ve had both Greek and Indian dinner, so it’s about time we take the food travels to Italy for some pasta and a few Italian drinks.
As we were planning our menu for the night we kind of stumbled upon the idea of making cocktails in Italian fashion, and who am I to say no to a great idea huh? So cocktails it is! Keep in mind though when you’re reading this, we’re not always keeping the original recipes, due to the simple facts that our little bar at home did not have all the ingredients.

Aperol Spritz
So let’s start off with a fun fact, did you know that the drink’s also called Spritz Veneziano because the drink has its roots in Venice. I actually had my Aperol Spritz in Venice, sitting at an outdoor terrace overlooking the canals. That was not bad, I’ll tell you that much.
But let’s stick to the actual topic and skip right to how I made my Spritz. There are lots and lots of versions of how to make one, but this is how I like mine:
– White wine
– Aperol
– Sparkling water
– Ice cubes
– A few slices of Orange

Believe it or not, but this drink has its origin in Venice as well. It was first introduced there in 1940, so it’s safe to say that this one stood its ground. If you ask me, I would say that its kind of a spin-off on Mimosa, which is orange juice and champagne – and not a favorite of mine. This one though is on the sweeter side, so I kind of like it.
– Peach juice or peaches to press for ren (the later is preferred)
– Prosecco or Sparkling wine
– Ice
– Peach slices for decorations

The Hugo
This is such a fresh and summery drink, with its key ingredients Mint and Elderberries, that grows quite quickly in the northern parts of Italy called the Dolomites. But don’t be alarmed, it’s totally drinkable during the colder seasons as well, just switch out the ice and add a warm blanket.
– Elderberry juice.
– Sparkling white wine or Prosecco.
– Lemon Juice.
– Mint leaves.
– Ice cubes.
– Lemon or lime for decorations.

Spiked Affogato
If you are searching for a recipe for this drink, there is a wild variety of it, and I am sure that you can make it in several ways that will make it just to your liking. If I eat a dessert, which I usually don’t if it’s not cheese, a Spiked Affogato would be it for me. Some might not even call it neither a cocktail nor a dessert, but an Italian ice cream treat. Originally it’s said to be spiked with a liqueur called Amaretto, so that’s what we used, but it’s said to be just as tasty with whiskey or Baileys.
– Amaretto
– Hot coffee, preferably espresso.
– Vanilla Gelato.
– coffee beans or cacao to garnish with.
This may just be the easiest drink to make. Get your glass out, preferably a short and shallow one. Scoop a big ball, or two, of that vanilla ice cream in the glass. Pour the Baileys and a splash of whiskey on top of the ice cream, do the same with the espresso. Add the beans and Buon appetito!
So we do hope that this post will give you some inspiration on how to spend your quarantine time, reading a lot of amazing recipes for cocktails, not drinking them, and getting intoxicated of course. After all, stay home and stay safe!
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Åh, måste testa fläderdrinken
Emma Engström
Herregud det skriker verkligen sommar haha! Perfekta sommardrinkarna och hade verkligen inte tackat nej till dessa, Bellini liksom :> Mumma! <3
Yum, Yum and Yum! These all look so delicious! I’d love to try one of these…or all of them!
All of these look so delicious! I’d definitely try to make each of these.
Amaretto is one of my favorite Italian drinks! What a fun list to explore.
Marie Phillips
I would love to have any one of the first three! They look so refreshing, especially the peach one!
Ja gör det, den var inte dum alls 😋
Mmh alltså, Bellini kan komma att bli en sommarfavorit för min del, den var super! 😃
Haha go for it Christine 😃
You really should Ahley, they were all great!
Oh yes, Amaretto is amazing, I love it! 😃
The Bellini was my favorite 😃
Thank you for the recipes. the Spiked Affogato is the one i want to try!
I do not drink alcohol, but the presentation of these drinks is all very pretty for sure
Subhashish Roy
Wow the drinks look so refreshing. Am sure they would taste great too.Hugo and Bellini would be my choice.
Sarah M
I don’t drink alchocol and I came to know about these drinks through your post. I liked how the photos were taken.
Gervin Khan
These drinks looks really good and refreshing and I am sure my sisters would love to try tasting all of these.
pati robins
bellini sounds hevenly !! in fact all the drinks do – cant wait to try some
Wow than you for the amazing drink ideas from Italy. I will surely try out. A stress out from this pandemic staying indoors. Just loved your ideas.
the joyous living
all your photos look very refreshing. i wish i could see what i’m typing but oh well. hopeuit makes ense. the bellini definitely wiould be my go to drink of the above mentioned.
Love this & you’ve made me fancy having a root around my drinks cupboard to see what I can find. I’m sure I have the ingredients for at least one of these.
emman damian
I want some Aperol Spritz right now. It sounds so refreshing! I also like to try the spiked affogato!
khoingn | The Broad Life
Could you please give more detail on how to mix those ingredients to make the drinks. It looks so nice and I want to try
Life Mag Health
Great information! I should try their favorite drinks too! Looks delicious!
Elizabeth O
They all look delicious and would be perfect for the coming summer months spent outside with friends and family. E joy your drinks!
Jessica Collazo
These are some interesting things and I didn’t know anything about them thank you for sharing
I’m always amazed by pictures of drinks that make me thirsty just looking at it! Amazing job!
Lyanna Soria
Those are some delicious looking drinks you got there and I’d love to taste some. Definitely a coffee lover so that Affogato is something I wanna try.
Wow, what a great idea! I am sure to try these cocktail suggestions this weekeend as it is a long holiday weekend here. Sure like the Belini.
Jay Artale
Never heard of the Hugo before .. but as I love prosecco, this is an interesting way to liven up a glass when you want something fresh and different.
Marias Memoarer
Härligt inlägg, skulle ha varit gott med en god drink ikväll i det varma väder vi haft idag, om jag inte hade haft nattskift… Har varit lite sugen på Limoncello på sistone…
The affogato was amazing!
Oh I did not think of that, sorry.
But mainly I just poured the things togerther 😋 Accept for the affogato, where I did the icecream first, than the booze and last the coffee 😊
Thanks! 😊
Thank you Elizabeth! 😊
Hope you’ll enjoy the drinks too 😊
Thank you Jessie 😃
The affogato was great!
The Bellini I will be doing again, I really enjoyed it 😊
I am betting that you’ll enjoy a Hugo, or two 😋
Åh Limoncello, det var länge sen! 😃
Jay Artale
I’ll definatley have to give it a try. Summer time calls for a few bubbles .. there’s a lightness to Prosecco that seems ideal for a sunny day and a picnic. And elderberry is a quintisential summer aroma. All of that is a beautiful shaped glass and your event is off to a great start!
I’m always sticking to Aperol – but, obviously, that’s a mistake. I think the next drink I’m going to try is the Bellini – until now, I loved rather the painter 😉
Nicole Anderson
These look to be exciting options to experiment with. Italy is renowned for its fabulous cuisine so I guess it only makes sense to have some imaginative beverages to go with it. I do like your version of Aperol Spritz as it sounds to be quite a refreshing beverage.
Linda (LD Holland)
I am glad to see you started with my favourite orange drink. Once we discovered Aperol Spritz in Italy, we searched for it everywhere. It took awhile before we could find it regularly at home in Canada. Hubby definitely wants his spiked Afforgato. Good thing we can now make both at home since it may be awhile before we see Italy again.
All of this food looks so amazing! I would love to check out Gotland one day! It looks like an amazing place all around!
The Hugo looks so refreshing for summer and all the Italian food looks delicious! I love grilled pizza! The crunch in the crust adds to the flavor. Thanks for sharing these food adventures. So much fun!
Thanks for stopping by Nancy, I am happy that you enjoy our food travels ❤️❤️❤️