10 Travel dreams
This is an old list that been going around for quite some time now, but I have not gotten around to doing it until now. I have read the list at several bloggers, both fellow travelbloggers as Amanda from Swedish Passport and Jossus Travelpics but also with Matilda Berlin. Have you read this list before?
Oh, this is a good one. My first answer will be Beltane, in Edinburgh of course. And then Hogmanay, also in Edinburgh. Yorvik Viking festival in York. Yggdrasil medieval and pagan festival in Treviso. That’s quite a theme huh? But I don’t look for just the pagan and medieval thingies, I would love to visit a Christmas market in Vienna and Mardi Gras in NOLA.
Home Country
This is harder… I traveled a lot through Sweden as a child, so as a grown-up it’s not really that compelling, to be honest. Maybe that will change in the future. But one place I have really loved in Sweden is the island Gotland. We use to go there a few years in a row to be apart of the medieval festival. Still a theme huh?
I can say more than one right?
Sofia in Bulgaria. Jaipur in India. Marrakech and Casablanca in Morocco. York in England. Inverness and Isle of Sky in Scotland. Porto, Lissabon, and the Azores in Portugal. Okay, that’s 10 cities, let’s call it a day.
I kind of cheated on the one above huh, with the cities… so let’s keep it to countries that are not listed above. France and Italy, let’s get lost on a road trip and end up on small wineries. Even though I know, when the travel ban is lifted, we are heading to France and Scotland as planned.
Santorini, that’s an island I have always wanted to see. I could name a few different islands just in Europe that I would like to visit but let’s stick with Santorini. People say that its quite expensive, and not all that it’s cracked up to be, but still… it’s a bucketlist island.
I don’t really know, extreme would be like glamping for me. Does that count?
A castle in Scotland for sure!
Wouldnt that be just a dream come true to be able to spend a few nights in a castle in the highlands…
I am gonna stay put in Scotland, let’s go see the highlands and the lakes and beaches. Still not camping or hiking but maybe a train ride or a road trip.
Food & drinks
I would say anything local. I love trying out local foods, even though I am not that brave to try the more… brave things. As I said, I am not extreme. But that’s one of the many perks of traveling in a group, you can just order one plate of the scary food, to share, so you can all have a taste.
Airports. The feeling you have with you when you arrive at the airport, you’re about to check your luggage, go through security, and go somewhere … isn’t that just the best feeling that only an airport can provide?
So, I love airports, I have a lot of dreams and I have to explore Scotland some more. That’s about sums it up, don’t you say? The thing is, that when I set my mind to go in one direction, that’s kind of the only place I can think of at the moment. So this was kind of a hard list to complete without being singleminded.
One thing that this list inspired me to, is to write down an actual bucket list of places that I really want to visit. And not just a bucket list for this year or the next, more of a lifegoal list of things to see and do. Do you have one?

Blir sugen på en egen lista 😃
Hittade den listan på finska resebloggar och sen översatte jag den och skrev en egen. För det är så kul att fundera ut sina egna svar och läsa andras tycker jag.
Verkar som vi har en del gemensamma drömmar. Julmarknaden i Wien verkar vara en magisk upplevelse. Och en del av städerna du drömmer om har jag besökt men vill återvända till. Speciellt Casablanca har fångat mitt hjärta.
Porto hade jag gärna upplevt, älskar kakel och kan tänka mig att det finns gott om fina dekorationer där.
Och bo på ett slott, inte tänkt tanken innan men vilken fantastisk ide!
Uhh spændende! Og inspirerende ✨
Åhh Frankrike skulle jag SÅ gärna vilja till, verkar så fantastiskt där med miljön och allt! Italien har jag vait till en gång och åker gärna tillbaka 😃 <3
Inveness is lovely in the summer, had the joy of visiting before a festival a few years back, York is also a beautiful place to explore
Allison Vorcheimer
Love this! Will need to sit down and write my own bucket list.
I also love Santorini. Hope to visit it soon
Gervin Khan
To be honest, I have a lot of places that I would love to visit and one of them is Santorini. I hear a lot of good things about this place and it gives me an interest to see how beautiful this place is.
Klart att du ska göra listan 😃
Ja eller hur, ett helg på ett slott hade funkat!
Tack! 😃
Ja asså, vi skulle ju ha varit i Paris förra helgen…
I am so looking foward to going to Inverness 😊
Please give us a shoutout if you do, I would love to read it 😊
So do I Paolo 😊
Yeah, I would love to see more of the greek islands 😊
I love airports too! They have got a different kinda enerygy. High five.! And yes you are going to enjoy Jaipur. Let me know when you make it there, or even better a blog post 😊
Steven Morrissette
I would love to do all the events you listed above, specially the viking festival in york.
Anna, New York - My Bite of the Big Apple
Åh, vilken drömmig och lockande lista! Tänk allt detta som man tidigare tog för givet, nu är det bara drömmar. Men en dag kan vi resa till dessa platser igen! Porto älskade jag, likaså Lissabon. Extrema upplevelser är inget för mig, haha. Tältade ett par gånger som väldigt ung och det får räcka. Men glamping, ja, kanske? Jag har ingen “bucket list for life” men helt klart vill jag också besöka Skottland. Skulle troligen ha åkt dit nästa vecka för att fira bröllopsdag. Nu blir det Västerås i stället! 😉
This is the first time that I am coming across such a list. It looked pretty interesting.
I will let you know! 😃
You and be both Steven 😊
haha 😃 Asså västerås känns inte riktigt lika drömmigt som Edinburgh, men ja ja, bättre än inget… och jag är helt säker på att ni får en fantastisk helg iallafall 😊
I also want to explore Italy. It’s my dream country. How I can see it in person one day…
the joyous living
fun survey. a castle in scotland would be very fun indeed. top o f my list is to go to vienna and mayerling.
Marie Phillips
I actually keep a list of all of the places to go and things to do that our family wants to remember. It looks a lot like yours!
I love to try local foods too when I travel. I haven’t seen this list around, but it’s great!
We also love eating out local too. We have so many countryside options so we are spoilt for choice really x
emman damian
I haven’t been in Scotland and it’s one of the places that I really want to go to. Funny because I also want a castle as my accommodation! Isn’t it magical?
Feel free to copy it 😊
So do I, I would love to see more of Italy 😊
I have head nothing but good things about mayerling, its supposed to be stunning, but then again, so is most of Austria 😊 keeping my fingers crossed that you do get there!
Please share your list 😊
Feel free to copy it Rosey 😊
Local foods are always the best 😊
Ah Emman, you would love Scotland! 😃
And yeah, pure magic for sure! I have a dream of going by train through Scotland, that will be nothing short of fantastic!
Lyanna Soria
I can totally relate to some of those. We like to try plenty of local food when we are visiting a new country.
Billy Sandoval
I can relate on you! When I’m in travel i’d really love to try local and street foods.
We are planing to visit Scotland this Summer, if we ever get out from this lockdown. Can’t wait to try local foods and explore wonderful Scotands castles.