Sweden - Trosa

Roadtrip to Trosa

Oh yes, we went on a small roadtrip to Trosa for the weekend, I was so looking forward to going on a mini-trip. Not that its fun to pack your bags when you’re going somewhere, but this time its kind of okay, just cuz its been such a long time. But then again, we all know that good feeling goes away as soon as your back home, and that bag of yours starts craving to be unpacked. To be completely honest, before I could start packing, I had to do some unpacking from our last trip (new years in Athens).

I had a vision of updating you guys during our weekend away, but to be completely honest – as always when we are on some kind of holiday, I completely forgot the blog. Sorry!


First impressions

Once we got there we were greeted by an instant calm. This small town, with its canals, boats, and beautiful gardens might just be the recipe for stress. It was like walking straight into a wall, a brick wall of calm and serenity. People are kind of strolling around in a Sunday mode all day long. It was a long time ago that I visited a place like this, so close to home, but still so different. People are greeting each other, say hello to strangers, smiling. Weird right?
It’s an amazing small town, and if you have not visited Trosa, I suggest that you start looking into booking that trip because its quite sought after and I wouldn’t want you to miss out.


As dogfriendly as the small town Trosa is, the friendly cat was one of my highlights.


I don’t think I have ever seen anything like it when it comes to the dog-friendliness in Trosa. There were dogs everywhere. As soon as someone sat down at a restaurant outdoor dining area with a dog, a waiter came running with a bowl of cold water for the dogs and menus for the people. We saw one place that had a basket with dog-blankets for customers to use. On another place, there was a couple that brought their dog, and the waiters instantly brought a blanket for the doggy to sleep on. When we were booking our room, we saw that it cost us about 20 euros more each night if we wanted to bring a dog. Such a sweet and dog-friendly hospitality, I just love it!

How to get to Trosa

Driving to Trosa takes less than one and a half hour from Stockholm, and as we were driving from the south parts of Stockholm called Nynäshamn, we had the opportunity to go by the Hölö-Mörkö ferryboat, which is a super nice detour.

I would imagine that it would take about three hours on public transportations, seeing as it always seems to take so much longer time to on busses than cars, but boy was I wrong. It takes about one hour, you’ve got free WIFI on the bus and it will cost you 15 euro. There are busses that go directly from the center of Stockholm to the harbor in Trosa. Pretty neat if you ask me.

You can go by boat from Nynäshamns harbor, but that will take you three hours and will set you back 40 euros for a one-way trip.

According to Google, it would take you 14 hours and 43 minutes to walk from Stockholm to Trosa. I don’t really know why you would do that, but that’s your choice.

Summer city

It’s clearly a summer city that gets filled with tourists during the warmer months. I am guessing it gets quite cold during the later parts of autumn, I can only imagine the winds blowing in from the ocean during that period of the year. During June, as it was when we visited, the winds were quite welcomed as it came to 25 degrees during the days. Nights were a bit cooler, so bring a sweater when you’re walking down to one of the many restaurants by the harbor to listen to some live music.

We had a great time this weekend, so I am gonna give you some more details of our favorite restaurants, recommendations of where to stay for a weekend, and of course – where to find the best cocktails.
And hey, I hope you all had a great midsummer weekend, we sure did!

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