Walk in the snow

I am not usually the one who likes the cold weather but I can’t deny that when the sky is blue, the sun is shining, and the snow is crunching beneath your feet while you’re out for a walk, it’s pretty amazing. A beautiful swedish winterday. At least when you’re in the right type of clothing, so layer up and get out there, start enjoying the day!
We’re social distancing as much as possible, and staying out of the more crowded areas of the city, so going for a bit of a walk in the countryside is a perfect way to get some sun. I do admit that I am not much of an outdoorsy type but even I can enjoy a bit of a walk on a day like this.
Are you enjoying the colder weather?

Åh men vad härligt det ser ut ❤️ Kram
Super cozy! 😊😊
I actually really like the cold weather. I love it when snow is covering everything. I think it’s beautiful.
I would love to visit Sweden one day! Our area has yet to receive snow this year and I think it looks beautiful!
Miss snowfall. Here in India in my place we do not experience snow. But I have stayed in US for long so have witnessed the winters.
Ivana Mearns
I prefer nice warm weather but walking through the snow can be quite magical, when everything is glittering and sparkling as the sun lits all the snow and ice.
Jah gillar snö. Skidor och skridskor. Tyvärr har jag jobbat alla helger i två månader men försöker njuta av det när det går
I prefer warmer weather, but I refuse to stay inside just because its cold. I walk two miles a day no matter the weather.
I am pretty much in agreement. I am not a cold weather girl, but I do remember loving the feel of walking outside for a snowy day.
Steven Morrissette
I love to go and walk in the woods when it is snowing. The vista is beautiful and I always finish up with a hot coffee by the fireplace.
Yudith Napitupulu
My hubby was Study in Sweden. He told me that Sweden is really great country. Someday, I would love to visit this country and every places that he stayed before there.
It looks soo beautiful! Love your gorgeous pictures. Winter is beautiful!
Gud vilka härliga bilder!! 😍 Älskar vädret!!
im living in the tropics, so having this sight is really exciting for me. i love how thick the snow is! id love to be there. <3 someday…
emman damian
I love winter! I really enjoy cold weather since I live in tropical country almost 365 times a year so I’m always excited whenever I travel during winter time.
Amanda (Swedish Passport)
Har insett att så länge det är sol bryr jag mig inte om temperaturen över huvudtaget, det gäller bara att klä på sig ordentligt 😉 Så härligt med lite rörligt bildmaterial också förresten!
Jag har lärt mig att uppskatta snö och vinter 😊
Keep up the good work Cindy 😊
A snowy day is fine by me, as long as there is sun aswell 😊
It sure is Steven 😊
Oh wow, really? Where in Sweden?
Thank you for your kind words Sheeba 😃 😃 😃
Awh tack 😃
Where do you live?
Where are you staying Emman?
Tackar, ja jag håller med dig, ibland är det kul att bryta av med en liten videosnutt istället 😊
It sure can be magical 😃
I hope you get to experience it again soon, as soon as its safe to travel again! 😊
I am sure you would love Sweden 😊
Where do you live?
I do agree with you, I love when the world is snowcovered an glitters! Especially if we can get a bit of sun aswell, that’s just great 😊
It sure is, I love when the snow sparkles 😊
Tackar ❤️
Ha en underbara fredag och njut av helgen! ❤️
Detsamma till dig! ❤️
Linda (LD Holland)
We live in Canada and most winters we escape as often as we can. But this was the first year in a long time where we spent the whole winter at home. We have certainly had to embrace walking in the snow or we would never get outside. Like you, when the sun is shining we love to head out. The sun always makes me feel better.