Best places to eat in Trosa
It’s always a bit of a struggle when you’re traveling, to find the best places for an entire group of people right. So I am going to list all of the places we had time to visit whilst we visited Trosa in Sweden and tell you a bit about them, so with springtime fast approaching I hope this will give you an idea of where to set your sights.
I am not going to give the restaurants and the experience we had on each restaurant their own posts, so instead, I am gonna cram them together in one bigger post. I hope that’s okay with you, and maybe it’s even easier to read them this way. Please let me know.

We had white wine and smoked shrimps, as I told you in an earlier blogpost. (read it HERE, if you missed it.) It’s just amazing to eat shrimps like this, just having a longer sitdown, pealing your own shrimps, and eating your meal at a much slower pace.
If you’re into shrimps I would totally recommend you going to Tullhuset, the size of the basket was large but to half the price of the neighboring restaurants. I’m just saying…

Marina Libanese Restaurang in Trosa
I had never eaten Lebanese food before, and you haven’t either, I’ll tell you this – you’re missing out! The food was totally amazing, I was simply blown away by the quality. It was kind of like eating tapas, but with an upgraded BOOM!
If I have to pick one favorite restaurant from our weekend in Trosa, it would be this, definitely.

Pizza @ Ankaret
This was your typical local pub, where they serve a separate lunch menu during the days, and then later on during the night, it switches to dinner menus and of course pizzas. It’s kind of your standard Swedish place if you ask me.
We ordered a gyro pizza and some garlic bread, tzatziki, and olives on the side. It was really nothing fancy or special, but the food was good and the staff was friendly.

Back at Tullhuset
On the day of our departure we revisited for a quick lunch before we took off to reality, we had some pasta and burgers. No, I did not have the pasta, Hanna did. I had myself a burger with bacon, and I have to say it was the perfect burger, served with fries, some coleslaw, and a coke.
There are of course a number of restaurants that we did not go to during our stay in Trosa, for a number of reasons. Either they were fully booked, redonkulous expensive on shrimps, or just not what we were looking at that moment. You know the drill on finding the perfect place, that not always easy, but maybe my recommendations can help you out a bit.
Enjoy your meal!

Mmh! 😃
Har du ätit Libanesisk mat?
Så härliga bilder <3
Så mycket gott
Du hade älskat räkorna på Tullhuset! 😃
Tackar tackar 😊
Ja när man tittar på dom så längtar man till uteserveringar !
All of that looks so good! Trosa looks like a foodie’s paradise. Yummo!
Gervin Khan
Wow! This restaurant looks amazing and the surrounding is mesmerizing. Plus the foods looks totally awesome and delicious. Hope to visit this place, when I’m around. Thanks for showing this with us.
Tracy Isidore
I’ve never been to Sweden and completely see how it may be challenge for a group of people travelling together to decide on places to eat. They all look divine! I will have to add Sweden to my bucket list!
Good to know if I’m ever in Sweden, which I hope to visit someday. The pics are great!
I have never been to Sweden but would love to one day. This food looks delicious! I’ll definitely keep this in mind and add it to my bucket list. Thank you!
That food looks wonderful. And the weather looks great for outdoor dining as well!
Eileen M Loya
Oh wow. Lots and lots of good food! My sister in law lives in Nacka, Sweden. I don’t know if that is anywhere close to Trosa, but if I get to visit someday, I will ask her to take me to these places!
emman damian
I want to try Marina Libanese Restaurang! Sounds like a great place. I also love to try other restaurants. I have never been in Trosa. Maybe after the pandemic?
Gunel Ibadova
Wow, what an amazing place. All the foods look so appetizing and yummy 😊
Mmm, that does look delicious! I would love a bite.
Trosa food’s seem like to be in Paradise. I would love to try them, visit there atleast once!
Lyanna Soria
Never been to Trosa before but that sounds like a great place to visit with many areas to explore. Those dishes are all looking quite delicious!
Mums så mycket gott <3
Trosa verkar vara en fin stad 😀.
ÄLSKAR libanesiskt 😍😍!!
Tapas me like.
men gud all mat!!
Amanda (Swedish Passport)
Åh jag som älskar både Trosa och libanesiskt måste ju helt klart testa Marina nästa gång jag är där! 😊
Thanks Gavin 😊
Which one would you choose?
You would love Sweden Tracy, hope you’ll get here some day 😊
Oh Eileen that’s about 1.5 hour from where I live! ❤️
Thanks 😊
It sure is a little piece of paradise 😊
Lyanna ❤️
haha föööör mycket gott! Det fanns så många små mysiga ställen som vi inte hann med att besöka, men det ger ju en anledning att åka tillbaka 😊
Asså, jag hade aldrig ätit Libanesiskt förut men nu har det blivit en av mina storfavoriter! Jag letar alltid efter libanesiskt numera ;D
Underbart! ❤️
Ja gör det, de hade en helt fantastisk meny! ❤️
Oh yes, I am so longing for dinners in the sunshine ❤️
Thank you ❤️
Åh va gott! Var längesen jag var i Trosa men minns att jag tyckte det var otroligt fint och mysigt där 😃
ja jag skulle absolut kunna tänka mig att åka tillbaka ❤️
Annie - Stora Små Äventyr
Ser verkligen ut som toppenmatställen 😃 Trosa är så mysigt och fint 😃
Ntensibe Edgar
Hhhmmm….I have you to thank for Lebanese food, Ann, when I try it! You’ve managed to convince me and there’s a great place down here, where I can get it!