Pierogi & more

Booking a cooking class with Pierogi and more to learn how to cook dumplings whilst we were in Warsaw, Poland was kind of a spur-of-the-moment thing. We saw the class online and kind of just thought, well that could be a fun experience.
They offer a bunch of different cooking classes besides dumplings, you can learn how to make French macarons, Italian Pasta, or even how to make a Polish liqueur.

The location is close to the old town, so you will have no problem finding it alone. If you end up taking a taxi as we did, it will take you about 10 minutes from the city center to Pierogi & more.
The class contained me and Jacob, another couple, a solo traveler, and the instructor Maria, so it was a pretty small and intimate gathering. It took about 2 – 3 hours, and as we had booked ourselves into the early class, our dumplings ended up being our lunch for the day. The lunch ended with us getting to taste some of their homemade liqueurs called Nalewki.
I’m not gonna give you a lot of details from the class, that would totally spoil it if you end up taking a class like this for yourself. But I will tell you that this was fun, a great experience, that we will be looking into doing again. We have done a few other fun things like this on our travels before, like visiting a beer spa and going on a Gin-tasting, which is all fun in its own way. But we will definitely be looking into doing more cooking classes on our up and coming travels.

If you are interested in seeing more from our trip to Warsaw and don’t have the time to wait for me to write a blog post, you can always check out our Instagram stories. We always make a story from each city that we have visited so that all of our tips and favorites are saved. Go check it out!

Ser galet gott ut! 😍
Supergott och superkul!
Netti Starby
Åh vad roligt att ni åkte till polen och gick på en matlagningskurs. Låter riktigt spännande. Kramis <3
ja det var en helt ny erfarenhet 🙂
Amanda (Swedish Passport)
Nej men wow så kul grej! Nu blev jag helt klart sugen på att testa på något liknande 🙂
Du hade älskat det Amanda, det var verkligen en kul grej att göra under en resa 🙂
Så roligt med en matlagningsklass 🙂
ja verkligen!
Vad spännande!
Men ja, jag ger gärna tips på läderstövlar! Följ mig på instagram (yeastofashion) så kan jag lägga upp det där 🙂
Ah, jag håller utkik 🙂
Pauline Hurtig
vad roligt! 😀
ja det var jättekul 🙂
ulrika webersköld
oj oj nu förvann nog allt jag skrev
den på sista bilderna är köpt för en 20på loppis o målad i min färg sen
tycker det är skoj att hitta o göra om o blanda ihop med nytt älskar vaser
Ah… lite återbruk är alltid både tillfredsställande och kul! Bra jobbat, det ser riktigt bra ut!