The beachlife in Fiumicino
Besides the most amazing sunsets I have ever seen in my entire life, as I have shown you in a previous blogpost, Fiumicino also offers some of the best beachlife I have lived.
There are many different places to stay around the beach area, some more fancy hotels and some AirBNBs that are more on the simple side. We stayed at a small hotel that was close to the beach and that offered breakfast, which is always nice. But where ever you choose to stay, I’m sure that will be fine. The beaches are why you have to come to Fiumicino. Not the hotels.
Naturally, there are sunbeds and umbrellas to rent, but it’s perfectly okay just to bring your own beach towel and lay down in the sand if that’s what you prefer.
But there is no shortage of restaurants, there are some quality seafood places around the shoreline and some of the meat I have ever tasted on our trips to Italy. There’s just some something about eating a spaghetti alle vongole with freshly picked mussels from the ocean you are looking at.

On the upside – To get to Fiumicino, it’s only a few minute’s car ride from Da Vinci airport, that will take you to Fiumicino and Rome. And if you decide to split your trip between city life and beachlife, as we did, the taxi will get you from Rome to Fiumicino in 20 minutes. We spent three nights in Rome and then another four on the beaches in Fiumicino. I do recommend that if you are going to Rome, take a few days extra and make sure to spend those days on a sunbed in Fiumicino, you will not regret it – I promise!
And on the downside – Fiumicino is the only place I would recommend that you withdraw some cash before you get there, there are a lot of places that don’t do cards around the beach. And to be fair, it was a bit of a hassle to get to a working ATM.
And as always, if you are thinking of going to a town or a city that we have been to, make sure that you check out our Instagram story that covers our entire stay.

så fint!
Ja det var verkligen superfint 🙂
Netti Starby
Åh vilken härlig strand och det ser helt magiskt ut. Kramis <3
Du hade älskat Fiumicino 🙂
Lillan Kind
Men åh så himla härligt det ser ut! Jag älskar sandstränder, och när jag ser dina fina bilder vill jag verkligen åka dit! Så bra att man får ta med en handduk och ligga på. När vi var i Italien sist var man tvungen att hyra solstol för annars blev man bortkörd från stranden. Inte så kul när det var dyrt och bara ledigt längst bort från havet.
ja på vissa ställen har det blivit galet dyrt att hyra en solstol, när vi var på Rhodos sist så betalade vi 200 kr per dag… 🙁
MMMMM, beachlife 20 minuter från Rom!? Har knappt hört talas om något mer lockande i mitt liv..!
haha men eller hur, huuuur perfekt? 😀
Annie Jansson
Åhhh så härligt det där såg ut! Blev genast sugen på att resa utomlands! 🙂 *leer*
Ljuvliga bilder<3
Tack Annie 🙂
Hoppas att du snart får resa lite!
Underbar ide att kombinera två platser så att man får uppleva både storstad och strand. Speciellt när dom är så nära varann.
Celine Lundqvist
Wow så vackert!