Could you, should you, would you?
Last spring we had a trip to Edinburgh booked but as you know that trip was canceled due to the big strike within SAS. And this year’s trip to Edinburgh was canceled too. For this spring we have a trip to Paris booked during late May, but that too is at risk for being canceled due to the Coronavirus. Well, our trip to Paris is canceled.
For some reason that I just can’t explain, Paris is right at the top of my bucket list, and seeing as this will be our first trip with baby Jules, Paris just seemed like a good destination to start with. I want to experience the city with her, and show her all the things that the capital of France has to offer. It would be a dream come true. But it all looks really bad and our dreamtrip has once again turned into just a dream.
Just imagine walking down the romantic streets of Paris with a babystroller, getting ready for a new day of showing my daughter what the world has to offer. Stopping at a coffee and cake shop, whilst overlooking the river Seine. Having a picnic under the Eiffel tower. Paris just seems to be the kind of city that is really baby-friendly, an easy destination to start with when you are traveling as a new family with a toddler. If you have been to Paris with a toddler or a young child, please let me know how your trip turned out. I would love to hear your tips and tricks for traveling with a youngster.
I am not all that worried for myself but I do get concerned for the baby and all the others out there that are more likely than myself to contract the virus. I do feel that I have an obligation to rethink my choices when it comes to traveling, seeing as it might affect others more than me. But of course, I am keeping my fingers crossed that it all calms down fast, so we can continue to travel in good conscience, it would really suck not to be able to make the trip now that we all have our minds set for vacation. But all we can really do for now is just wait and see how it all plays out, that and wash our hands.
What are your feelings regarding the Coronavirus?
Do you have any trips planned in the future that is at risk of being canceled?
You know, for us Swedes, we don’t have quarantine like most of the cities in Europe or the US. We do practice social distancing, but not to the extent that the rest of the world. Let me give you some examples of how it looks for us, we can still book a table at a restaurant, go out for coffee with friends as long as we do it in smaller numbers, and don’t sit close together, we’re fine. Most people go to work unless you have the kind of work that will allow you to work from home, the smaller businesses get affected, for sure. More people use their own cars instead of public transportation. Some stores have extra opening hours for the people within the high risk of being affected. You are not permitted to visit your family that is stationed at the retirement home or in the hospitals.
Social distancing is working for us.
And for the question, everyone is asking right now, even if you could travel – say that the world opens up, should you really travel in times like this?

Jay Artale
I can’t wait to start travelling again. I’ve been watching lots of travel programmes on TV, and recently saw a travel race called Race Across the World where the contestents are given a limited budget and had to get from Mexico City all the way down to Patagonia. So great to see so many amazing South American countries along the way. I’ve only been to Brazil before, but now I really want to go th Chile and Argentina…. so many places I want to see. But first we have to get out of lock down!
I’m really sorry to hear about your Paris trip. I should have been going to Iceland for the first time this month but that has been cancelled…or postponed to this time next year. I would have been meeting my sister who would have been coming from Australia to do our first yoga retreat together but trying to focus on what I am doing now rather than dwelling on what could have been. It’s interesting to hear more about how Sweden is tackling the issues. I think this year for me will be about discovering the UK, which I can’t wait to do once I am allowed out of my flat!
So far my trips to France, Italy and Greece have cancelled. And the airport and ports in Malta are closed so we won’t be going anywhere soon. We aren’t in total lockdown here, mainly practicing social distancing but bars and restaurants are closed but our favourite take always are still open.
On the plus side, the air and the sea is so much cleaner and the place is not packed with loud tourists 😊
Having a dog helps as you have to venture outside .
That’s so sad about your Paris trip. I had to cancel a couple of trips as well. Where I’m from, we’re on a lockdown, so no one is allowed to go outside unless absolutely necessary. Oh well, here’s to looking forward to better days!
Det är ganska sjukt vilken skillnad det är mellan Sverige och vissa andra länder just nu med regler osv. Men tycker man kan hålla sig hemma just nu i de här tiderna och inte resa mer än behövligt liksom! <3
I had a trip to Ireland planned for this month. I’m so disappointed that we had to cancel. Mostly I look at like I have so much to be thankful for. I’m able to work from home now and my family is healthy. As soon as things open up, though, I’m planning my next trip! I hope you get to Paris with your baby eventually!
Oh travelshows, I am gonna look into that, thanks 😊
Thank you Sue 😊
I really hope you’ll get to see your sister soon!
I know, its really depressing when all your trips gets cancelled. We are still holding out for our trips this summer, but its not that promising!
Where are you from Alyssa?
Ja jag håller med dig, man borde hålla sig ifrån folk så mycket man bara kan. Hur svårt det än är…
I am so sorry for your Ireland trip Sharon!
We visited Dublin a while ago, and I loved it 😊
Så svårt. Men jag känner själv att jag vill avvakta med resor. Jag vill inte bli sjuk utomlands. Jag vill inte sitta i karantän. Jag vill heller inte ha råkat boka en resa till ett land som är bra nu, se kanske hinner få ett utbrott av pandemin…
Man kan ju alltid ta en spontanresa på en gång när världen mår tillräckligt bra igen.
Håller med dig, jag skulle inte heller vilja hamna i karantän på något annat ställe än hemma.
Ja. Jag hoppas verkligen på att kunna resa i höst. Förstår inte hur man överlever november i Sverige. vi var så nära att boka Kap Verde, men är glad att vi inte bokat. Hur det är på ev Afrikansk ögrupp i november känns alldeles för osäkert
Åh Kap Verde låter inte dumt! Håller tummarna 😊
Jag skulle kunna tänka mig att åka till New Orleans till hösten om allt går åt rätt håll, vi har pratat om det ett bra tag nu men det tycks alltid bli inställt.
Tror vi snarare slutar på Kanarieöarna om det ens är möjligt. Ja svårt att gissa nåt om usa
Jessica Collazo
I understand how you feel because I’ve supposed to be traveling with my baby latter this year and I am thinking it twice. I honestly don’t think it’s a very good idea to travel with a toddler, it’s so sad that you couldn’t go to Paris.
Sorry to hear about your trip cancellation. My husband and I were just in the process of selecting a destination when everything hit with the pandemic, so no specific plans had to be cancelled. I’m with you on the hesitation to get back on the road right away. Here in the U.S. it’s a bit unsettiling because states are “opening up” before the number of cases has flattened or dropped. I’m concerned that we’re going to have more flare ups and hot spots very soon.
I can’t wait to travel when all of this is over. But I mean REALLY over. Even when things open up, we won’t be traveling for quite some time.
the joyous living
I am sorry your trip was canceled. I am excited to travel again but it will be interesting to see how travel is after things calm down.
I feel your pain with trips being cancelled. I was in Italy when the country went into lockdown, so we had to get rescue flights back to the UK. I missed out on a trip to Madrid and right now I should have been in Israel. I’m absolutley gutted, as I worked so hard over winter to save up and had so much travel booked. Now I lost my travel and all the money 😟 I’m holding out that some of the travel I have planned later in the year happens. It’s good that you didn’t have the virus so bad in your home country. It will be interesting how the rest of 2020 pans out.
We did have a couple of trips that we had to cancel, but it’s totally ok with me. We can always reschedule them.
I know Jessica, we are having mixed feeling about traveling with a toddler…
Hi Nancy,
So what will your next destination be?
Where will you be traveling when this is over Bill? 😊
Thank you!
I am sorry to hear that you have missed out on so many of your trips Becky, but I am oh so sorry about the loss of all your money! We have gotten our money back or vouchers, so have not lost anyting, thankfully!
Where were you suppose to go Heather?
Sorry to hear about your trip cancellations! We cancelled our trip to the UK – where we go almost every spring. We thought we would do another trip to Australia and NZ this year, but that looks like a no-starter now! We have total lockdown and full social distancing – walking out with masks. But, there is always hope to make up next year! 😊
Jag hann tack och lov inte boka något men jag hade lite planerat som inte blir av nu, det känns jättetugnt! Också jobbigt att inte veta när jag får åka hem till Edinburgh igen 😟
I hear you on this one, as we have had l;oads of trips and outings cancelled. Fingers crossed for when all this is over x
Sarah m
I really feel sorry about your trip cancellation. It feels so bad wgen you planned something with heart and suddenly you have to cancel your plan. I hope this pandemic situation get oven soon and you will go for a wonderful trip. stay blessed be happy.
Steven Morrissette
I went in dominicain this January with my 3 and 6 years old and it really din’t feel like vacation. So i’m more on the side that bringing a toddler on vacation is not that great.
Sara | mshealthesteem.com
Sorry to hear about your trip being cancelled. I hope that you can visit Paris sometime in the future when all of this is over. It would definitely be a lovely place to go 😊.
So bad your trip got cancelled. But I’m sure things will get better in the second half of the year and we can start going out again.
Oh a trip to Paris! ❤️ It’s been a dream destination for me for so long. It’s so sad with everything right now… ❤️
Sorry to know about your trip cancellations but many people are facing these issues. But at this moment it is great to stay at home and plan something at home only. We will soon start traveling.
katrina kroeplin
we had to potpone a trip as well. it was supposed to be later this mont and now its to be in september, well i hope at least, crossing my fingers.
Totally understand the disapointment of cancelling a trip. I had to do the same and was so disapointed. I hope things open up soon for all of us
emman damian
I had to postpone my trip to several countries. I know it will be normal by next year! Keeping my fingers crossed.
emman damian
I had to postpone my trip to several countries. I know it will be normal by next year! Keeping my fingers crossed. 😊
I’m quite lucky that I hadn’t booked anything for this year yet , but I feel your pain, hopefully your next getaway will be all the more special
Så tråkigt med den avbokade Parisresan. Hoppas verkligen det vänder snart och att man kan börja resa som vanligt igen.
Om jag ser till min egen vardag så går det där med att hålla avstånd rent ut sagt åt helvete, framförallt på jobbet och i mataffären. Men som tur är har min stad varit rätt skyddad från Corona. Ett fall bara.
Lyanna Soria
I can totally relate to you about that. I’ve had several trips cancelled and it breaks my heart. I’ve worked hard to get them and some I couldn’t even refund which is a bummer.
Ghulam Mohyudin
It was perfect the first time. I learn so much from you as well! Keep it up great post.
Paris is for adults. Don’t bring your little daughter if you don’t want her to breathe the toxic fumes of all the Parisian diesel cars. Her nose and mouth will be exactly at the level of their exhaust pipes. In addition, the French don’t like small children in restaurants. Believe me, I lived there for a long time with small children.
Paris is beautiful and is a great city. I never took my kids to Paris centre when they were toddlers but spent a lot of time/trips at Disneyland Paris. As for travelling, I don’t think I will go abroad for a while, not if I have to self-quarantine for 14 days.
I am sorry to hear that Katrina :/
Keeping our to!
Thank you Stephen 😊
Vi har närmare 40 fall här i våran kommun, så vi håller tummarna för att det inte ökar…
I am so sorry to hear that Lyanna!
Oh I love that oppinion, thank you so much for sharing!
Thank you!
I could consider self-quarantine if it meant going abroad, at least I think so… maybe not 😃
Så himla tråkigt att du fick avboka Parisresan!! Vi har också fått stryka vår USA resa som vi skulle på i slutet av sommaren, som tur väl hann vi inte börja boka den, skulle precis börja boka typ samma vecka som Corona kom till oss och USA stängde och allt.. ner till gudarna att det snart återgå till det normala igen!
Vi hade också tänkt oss en USA resa, fast till hösten.. men det är bara att spara semesterdagarna och pengar, så att man kan ta igen ALLA resor och lite till under 2021 😃
Elizabeth O
Paris is on my travel lists too. One of a marvelous and stunning places I loved to visit.