Walk with me – old town Edinburgh, part I
Okey, so the first two images are taken from the new town point of view, just as we arrived in in Edinburgh. The rest of them are taken in the old town areas. Thats kind of the aras I love the most. New town is not new. Its from the 18th century, it was constructed between 1767 and 1890, so I would say its quite old. But that part of town is more commersial estates, so if you’re into shopping thats where you’re suppose to go. Theres other stuff to do aswell, I know that, I just like the other side of the bridge more. The medieval old town was…
Tasting at Winery Messembria
I know, there’s a lot of images. But they were all so beautiful so I just couldnt kill my darlings. If you are ever in Bulgaria and visiting the old town of Nessebar, dont miss out on the winetasting in the Winery Messembria. Its a beautiful little place in a small alleyway right in the center of old town. The tasting takes about 20-30 minutes, you can decide for yourself if you would like to taste red or whites, or maybe both. I recommend both. The wine was amazing, we ended up buying three bottles and we got one small for free. And even though Im more prone towars the…
We booked this years New Years trip!
Oh yes we did, we booked the trip for the New Years weenkend to Athens. We’ve been talking about it for a while, and Athens seems like a cool city to be spending New Years eve in, dont you think? Im gonna google my ass of to do the reseach of course, but if you have any kind of helpful knowlage about the city to share with us, please let us know in the comments below. We would love to read about your favorite things to do in Athens, best restaurants or even best tzatziki.Hit me with your tips and blogposts on Athens! Dont forget to join us on Facebook…
Walk with me – old town Nessebar
Is it just me, or am I the only one doing the walking through the streets of old town Nessebar. Jacob just seems to be sitting around, right? This was one of those mornings where Angelica and Lee slept in late, that always happends during our trips so thats kind of when we go on our morning walkabouts. The old town of Nessebar is on a small peninsula in the Black Sea wich is linked with the mainland called New Nessebar, thats where we lived. But it took us like 10 minutes to walk into old town.Its one of the oldest towns in Europe, and considered one of the best…
Gin tasting at The Wild Yarrow Bar & Bistro
The last time we visited Edinburgh we went on a whiskey tour, so this time it was a Gin tasting that was on our menu. Our good friend Seb that lives in Edinburgh helped us to set up a Gin-date with the The Wild Yarrow Bar & Bistro. You all know I’m a sucker for a good Gin and tonic, but this was not just a GT… This was Gin served with a history lesson and a twist of charm, brought to you with a special selection of tonics and a smile. The owner of the bistro and our tourguide for the day through the history of Gin, was totally…
Has the summer come to an end?
Well, the question is, as the topic says – has the summer come to an end? I hate the thought of it, but it seems like we dont really have a choice in the matter, or even a vote. The summer is ending. The season is turning, its getting colder and the autumn wether is showing off its power. When I was kid, I always though that the summer ended when school started, but nowadays Im gunning for a longer summer. Its almost mid september and Im only beggínning to cave. So whats next? Hibernation? No, not really. I still belive there are some good days left until the summer…
You do the research, you find the perfect historical places that you want to see and the places you want to check off that bucketlist of yours. You have everything figured out, an entire itinerary of goodies for your travels. You might even have figured out the best time of day to go there, just to get that one great instagram friendly image. You hop on the flight, get yourself all dolled up to be in that iconic picture with that historic landmark, maybe even check out some good poses. But then again, no… I sure have a few things on my buckelist that I really want to see, but…
Breakfast at Deacon House
I have said it before, several times, that I am a morningperson. I am not a peopleperson in the mornings, but I love the morning. Especially when we are travelling, when you get to walk around and explore the city before its awake. Thats what we were doing when we found Deacon’s House Cafe Brodie’s Close. Beautiful right?The cafe is not just a stunning place to visit, its also the inspiration to the novel The strange case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr Hyde, pretty cool! //Ann
- Bulgaria - Nessebar, Bulgaria - Sunny Beach, Scotland - Edinburgh, Sweden - Nynäshamn, Türkiye - Istanbul
Highlight from the summer of 2019
We’ve just gone back to work after the summervacation but I just have to say that the summer of 2019 and been a great summer. I’ve gotten a bit of a tan, a few glases of wine and several great trips abroad. Cant really complain at all. I have put together a bit of a recap for you, hope you enjoy the read! We took a trip to Istanbul in june, clearly a great start to the summer. I have always wanted to there, but I’ve kind of had to struggle to get a travelpartner. Thank you, my dear friends, for making this trip happend! Best honor…
We’re back in Scotland!
Yes, we are back in Edinburgh, Scotland again. Finally! The city kind of feels like my home away from home and I’m so so happy to be back. I cant promise you that I will update the blog during our trip, we are only in town a few days, but I will share everything with you when I get back home. Promise. //Ann