Daiquiris at the beach
We have been a bit slow when it comes to the blog, sorry about that, but hey – we’re on vacation! I dont know if it’s the fresh fruits, or if its the crushed ice that makes the drink so yummy on a hot summer day. Some would say that its the rum and that could not possibly be wrong, but Anngelicas non-alcoholic passionfruit Daiquiri was just as good as my Strawberry Daiquiri with rum. What do you prefer, strawberry or passionfruit? With or without rum? Or just whatever during Happy-hour? //Ann Dont forget to join us on Facebook andInstagram for daily updates and more images
Thank you!
We just want to say thank you, for all your love and sweet wishes on our birthday! ❤️ Yes, for those of you who did not know this, we have the same birthday. We were born on the same day, just about ten years apart. Just imagine the birthdayparties we could throw 😀 //A & A
Daytrip to Sunny Beach
If you visit old town Nessebar, you’ll soon hear the news of the shuttleboats over till Sunny Beach. The boatfares leave every 30 minutes and it will take about 30 minuters to cross the bay. The trip will set you back 10 Levas for a one way trip, which is about 5 euroes. Theres busses aswell, which costs less and taxi that costs more. But for us, the boattrip around the old city and across the bay seemed more fitting. The beachen are cluttered with bars and restaurants, that provides almost everything you can hope for. Massagetables, jetskies, beerpong, sunbeds and of course food and drinks. We stayed at a…
Poolarea in Nessebar
The poolarea was nothing short of amazing, it was kind of the perfect place for us. There were a few sunbeds around the pool, but most sunbeds were divided into two areas located one floor higher, up on the rooftop, where the summerbreeze was much cooler and you were closer to the bar. As you might remember, we booked this hotell with All-Inclusive, so the bar was a frequent stop. So this is were we spent our days. Dont forget to join us on Facebook andInstagram for daily updates and more images.
The dudes behind the dudettes
As usual during our trips the ladies are mezmerised with the scenery and busy taking selfies so we decided to do a takeover and see how long it would take for them to notice. Clearly we got away with it for quite some time. It all started back at the hotel when WE were told to get ready so we went up to the roof terrace to enjoy a glass of whisky but of course the ladies were not ready since they had to take selfies before we could go out for dinner so we decided to take pictures of us with them being girly in the background and see…
Första dagarna i Bulgarien
Vi har haft FULLT upp dem senaste dagarna så har liksom inte hunnit uppdatera! Vi befinner oss nu i Bulgarien och har det toppen, till och med bättre. Jag hade noll förväntningar och hade inga alls höga tankar om just Bulgarien MEN jag kan ta mina förhastade slutsatser och kasta i väggen, det är sjukt vackert och vi försöker uppleva så mycket som möjligt för det finns så mycket att se. Hotellet är rena paradiset, vi har poolen på taket med fri bar med en sjuk utsikt, stranden precis nedanför och vi försöker njuta av varje sekund. Med alla mina krämpor som gravid så går de bättre än förväntat, har…
Picnic @ Ringvägen
When you live in a small town like we do, you tend to forget how beautiful local scenery can be, so once in while you kind of need a reminder. Nynäshamn is a classic summercity, as soon as the summer strikes the city is in full bloom, vibrant and full of people. There is live music in the harbor area almost every night, even on the weekdays and tourists everywhere. That’s when us locals try to find a quiet space, with fewer people. Funny right? You complain all winter that the city is booring, cold and empty. But during the summers, we complain about the tourists, and try to hide…
One year ago
Today, exactly one year ago, we started this blog to be able to share our travels with you guys. Its been so much fun and hard work, but its all worth it when we receive your love and engagement. We have been through so much and visited so many places, its kind of crazy when you think about it. During this year we have been sunbathing on the lavarocks in Sicily, walking the medieval streets of Visby, gone by boat on danuberiver in Budapest, been on a cruice to Helsinki, spent christmas in Madeira, had guinness in a wheelchair in Dublin, got tattoos Madrid, visited the ancient city of Istanbul…
Torö Stenstrand
Yes I know I have just shown you some images from Torö Stenstrand, but since when is a few pictures ever enough? This beach is really magical and I cant wait until I have the time to go back. Maybe pack a lunchpicnic and stay for an entire day, that would be great. Strawberries, cheese, wine. Yes who’s with me? //Ann Dont forget to join us on Facebook andInstagram for daily updates and more images.
Torö Stenstrand
Its not that I havent been to Torö Stenstrand before, I have been a few times, its just that I havent really noticed the beauty. I dont know why really, when you think of it, its kind of silly. Its a hidden gem, hiding in plain sight. This amazing beach is located about 30 minutes from where I live and during the summertime it feels like you’re abroad when your at this beach. Its always quite windy here, but thats kind of nice. To get there, you’ll catch the train from Stockholm to Nynäshamn, and then go by bus. Be aware though, the busses only leave every two hours, so…