Rooftop tequilas at El Viajero
Rooftop Tequila, that could really be the name of a drink, couldnt it? This was absolutly, by far, one of the best outdoor bars in Madrid. No, we didnt visit them all, so in my oppinion, this was the best because of the amazing view, the location and the good tequila ofcourse. If you are ever in Madrid and are in need of a place to put your feet up, I strongly recommend that you hit up El Viajero on Plaza de la Cebada, 11. El Viajero has a restaurant on the mainfloor, dining areas on the second and third, and then you have the terrace on the rooftop. Its…
56 days spent in Turkey
Turkey is by far the country in Europe that I’ve visited the most. I’ve been trying my best to remember all of the times that I’ve been in different parts of Turkey during the years, and it could be that I might have forgotten some of the trips that I took during earlier years. But I dont think so. 2001, Alanya2002, Alanya for two weeks2010, Side2011, Alanya2012, Özdere Izmir / Kusadasi2013, Alanya2014, Oba This equals 7 trips to Turkey, about 56 days – give or take a few. I cant tell for sure which one of the different trips that was 7 or 8 days, so I’ve summed it up…
Cosmopolitans in Dublin
Combine vodka, lime juice, triple sec, and cranberry juice in a cocktail shaker. Add ice, cover and shake until chilled. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.Garnish with a lime wedge.Enjoy and have a great weekend! // A & A
Slovak National Theatre
Through out the years I’ve been to a ton different clasic shows, operas, operettas, ballet but it was my first time ever that I listen to a symphony orchestra at the Slovak National Theatre: the Historic Opera Building in Bratislava. As you can see from the image, the building has an amazing renaissance revival architechture that was constructed in 1886. My tip to you, even if you dont like the music or the play, just go anyways, for the architechture and the atmosphere. Its well worth it. In hindsight, I should have taken more images, and lots of them. I know, sorry there arent more, And I wish that I…
Vineyard in Modra
One of the nights whilest visiting Bratislava we took a bus to the nearby small village called Modra, to visit a slovakian vineyard. It sure was a picturesque little place, though it was like traveling back in time. On the busride we saw abóut two houses that had light on, all the others were completly dark because of poverty. They simply couldnt afford to turn on the lights. Or thats what we were told from our guide on the bus fifteen years ago, but I have learned some different fact in present day that tells a different story. At the winetasting they served quite a lot of different wines and…
Some more images from the trip to Pisa
Who can resist the amazing Pisa Cathedra with its Leaning clocktower and the The Baptistery? As I have told you before, it’s been quite a few years ago that we were in Pisa, but I really wouldnt mind going back. Besides the fantastic arcitechture the city is quite uniqe. When I think of Pisa, for me its the typical Italian city filled with murmur, laughter and cute little resturants and diners. I dont really think I apprisiated the city for all its worth when I was there, but looking back at the images we took it kind of hits me how beautiful the city is. And did you know that…
Booked a new trip!
I have been to Turkey more times than I have counted, I have totally lost track. But those of you who has read our blog for a while know that I do love the places I have visited. So far I have been to Özdere, Oba, Alanya, Kusadasi and ofcourse my all time favorite – the beautiful old town in Side. But a dream of mine has always been to visit Istanbul, but that been my dream and mine alone. I have never heard anyone one else within my travel companions whom actually wants go to to Istanbul. Until last night. So we booked a trip to Istanbul last night!…
I miss Italy
It feels like its been a long time time since I visited Italy. Yes, I know, we were in Sicily last summer, but that just left me with a feeling of wanting more. There is so much of Italy I havent seen yet and there is so much I have seen that wouldnt mind seeing again. I can kind of see my surroundings right now, my friends and family in a somewhat panic… is she traveling again? Not at the moment but the traveller in me thats usually confined with an inside voice is starting to scream. I know I have some trips booked already but that not enough, its…
Selfiestick – do or dont?
Selfiestick? Om inte någon annan kan ta bilden så är det ju perfekt! Den användes saftigt i Madrid 😂 Jag älskar ju selfies och lärt mig exakt hur jag ska få en bra bild så jag behöver rätt ljus, vinkel och miljö. Någon som känner igen sig? Om Ann fick välja så skulle hon bryta av den där selfiesticken på mitten 😅 Så vad säger ni, selfiesticken – do or dont? /Angelica
Scotland Edinburgh, here we come!
Ah well, its about a week left before we leave for Edinburgh again, It’s almost time to start packning, but in order to do that I need to unpack the bag. Its still filled with shoes and clothings that I brought with us on our trip ti Madrid. Two months ago. I know. Anyways, moving on. Even though I have been to Edinburgh before and I have a pretty clear view of what I want to see and how to spend my days, I’m always open to having an idea pitched. Besides from having a photoshoot booked with the same modellingagency I worked with last year, I dont have any…