My Go-to
Paragraph Go-to or fall back, call it whatever, but you know the one. That one good love that you had at the beginning of time, where everything just seemed great. But then it wasent. Maybe you grew apart. Had new loves and different lives. But your Go-to is the one you compare the others to, what it made you feel that time. How you longed when you were apart. Maybe it was a foolish young love, but its the one you always go back to. Over and over again. For me, thats so Barcelona. I’m not even sure that I can count the times I’ve been there, I’ve kind of…
Frieri i Barcelona
Helt ovetandes så var vi påväg ner till stranden, uppklädda för att fira in det nya året tillsammans, champagnen var nedpackad och kamerorna var med för att fånga den perfekta solnedgången.. … När L bestämde sig för att det perfekta ögonblicket skulle vara i Barcelona då började planeringen som jag inte hade en aning om. Det är många bitar som faller på plats när jag tänker tillbaka, som till exempel ringen. Ann och Hanna ville ha en gemensam ring och skulle beställa så snart som möjligt och behövde mitt fingermått. När L ”glömde” telefonen hos min mamma men istället bad om välsignelse av mamma, mormor och bror. När jag var…
Friday drinks – Baileys
Yes, I do love me a glas of Baileys from time to time, even though I’m not much of a sweet tooth. So for this Friday Drinks I’m gonna share an image of me having a glas of Baileys in Madeira during our chrtistmas trip. Do you like Baileys? Have a great weekend! //Ann #bailey #friday #drinks #fridaydrink #weekend #travelblogger #travelphotography
Photoshoot in the streets of Madrid
Well yes, it sure is like Angelica said in an earlier post. The streets of Madrid gave us plenty of opportunities to have improvised photoshoots, putting those old modelling skills to use. I use to model a bit in my younger years, but during the later like ten years I’ve been more comfortable behind the camera. Angelica will have none of that, not being in front of the camera is not an option when you’re along for the world tour of Angelicas life. I’m glad to in front of the camera though, I mean, if I didnt – I wouldnt have these images and I’m really happy how they turned…
Basarri Gin Club
I dont think it comes as a suprise to anyone that we like ourselves a Gin and Tonic? Its a modern place where the tables are attached to the roof and you sit in swings while drinking your Gin. It is one of those places where the barmaster refuses to even try speaking english, but it doesnt really matter, cus it kind of fits together anyways. We found the place on Tripadvisor, where they have an okey grade and people really recommend the food. So did we eat, no we did Gin and Tonics. Its still a Gin club right?
Paella, sangria and snacks
It has only been a few weeks since our trip to Madrid, but even with that in mind, I cant help but to long for warmth, paella and sangria. I cant wait to plan out next trip back to Spain. Do you have any recommendation on where to go in Spain? //Ann Dont forget to join us on Facebook andInstagram for daily updates and more images.
Who’s your springfling?
So who’s you springfling going to be? You know that quick fling you have during the spring. A small hook up. An attraction if you may. Maybe thats not an expression used on travels, but stick with me here… we’ve all had this puppy love connection to a place. You just adore it. Or maybe you fall head over heals in love with a place and cant get enough of it. Maybe even facebook stalk it, huh? I would say that Edinburgh is my springfling, not just a one nighter, more of a reaccuring dream. We met last year and really hit it off, so I cant wait to reconnect…
Springtime has finally arrived
I do belive that spring has finally arrived in Sweden. Jinx, right? The wether is better, not as cold. The trees and flowers are about to set into blom. Its like the air is filled with happy instead of the grey glom we’ve seen since forever. It just makes me in a good mood. I wouldnt say that spring is my favorite season, but its the season that gives the most hope. I love the feeling when the sun gets starts warming your cheeks and you know its almost time to fixe the patio for the upcomming barbecue season. Its that time of year when its time to plant the…
6 great pubs in Dublin
We have been trying to figure out a friday theme on the blog and it really wasent that hard. Friday drinks, of course. So to start this off we’re gonna give you a recommendation of six different great pubs to visit while you are in Dublin, Ireland. The pubs in Dublin are mostly great whereever you go, but these once are just something extra. So I hope you enjoy the read and have a great friday. Wish you the best! //Ann Le bon crubeen Panti Bar Guinness Store House O’Sheas Porter House Central The Brazen Head #fridaydrink #dublin #ireland #drinks #travel #travelblogger #travelphotography
Fake it until you make it?
#travelblog #travelphotography #influencer #spain #barcelona #travel Angelica’s really got this strike a pose stuff down, don’t ya think? In her defence, this was our absolut first trip together, to Barcelona in Spain. And if I’m not mistaken, this was the morning after she got engaged. Has she told you about that yet? I dont think so, I’ll get right on that because that’s one really great story. Anyways, I’ve been to Barcelona about five times now, and somehow I dont think we’re completly done with the city. There’s still a lot I havent seen and there’s much more to be done. Have you ever been to Barcelona? Whats your favorite…