• Sweden - Nynäshamn

    Walk in the snow

    I am not usually the one who likes the cold weather but I can’t deny that when the sky is blue, the sun is shining, and the snow is crunching beneath your feet while you’re out for a walk, it’s pretty amazing. A beautiful swedish winterday. At least when you’re in the right type of clothing, so layer up and get out there, start enjoying the day! We’re social distancing as much as possible, and staying out of the more crowded areas of the city, so going for a bit of a walk in the countryside is a perfect way to get some sun. I do admit that I am…

  • Sweden - Foodtravel,  Sweden - Stockholm

    4 tips for great cocktails in Stockholm

    Bodarna by Melanders Margaritas @ Exit Milkshake @ BC Burger Caipirinha @ Liberdade Dont forget to join us on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for daily updates and more images. I know that you’re not supposed to go out for a drink right now in Stockholm due to the pandemic, and I am not encouraging that at all, that’s not the point of this post. All restaurants and pubs are closing by eight o clock and I can only imagine how hard that must be on the economy. I just want to give a bit of a shoutout to a few of my favorite places in Stockholm when it comes to…

  • Greece - Athens,  Sweden - Gotland,  Sweden - Nåttarö,  Sweden - Stockholm,  Sweden - Trosa

    Review of 2020

    Oh yes, we did reviews of our travel years 2018 and 2019 so why should 2020 be any different one might ask… well, it’s 2020, so it’s different but we’re gonna do our best to at least do a review of our travels within Sweden. Enjoy the read! Yupp, we started the year in Athens, Greece where we spent the first two days of January, but those two days were the only two days we spent abroad all year. We had a lot planned though, and then the first wave of the Corona-pandemic hit us which ment that we could only travel causiouskly within Sweden… So we had all of…

  • Greece - Crete

    10 Advent questions about traveling – Part 4

    Hi, welcome back to part 4 of our advent lists!So we have done part 1 which was about flights and airports, part 2 about destinations and the 3rd part was focused on travel inspirations. I really hopw that you have enjoyed reding them, and as I have said before – feel free to copy the lists and answering them yourself. Give me a shoutout if you do, I would love to read yours.But lets dive into part 4, which is about traveling with kids…   1. Before you started traveling with kids, what was your worries?Oh I would say that my main thought before I got kids was that I…

  • Greece - Rhodes

    10 Advent questions about traveling – Part 3

    Its time for our third episode of the advent questions about traveling and this time we’ll focus on what inspires us. What gives us that little extra push to start dreaming. At what age did you start dreaming about traveling?I guess I was in my teens when I first started dreaming about visiting other countries. I remember the feeling of ordering the Swedish travel catalogs and browsing through them, looking for the most affordable trip. At the beginning as an explorer, what gave you the inspiration to travel? And have that changed during the years? Oh, I think in the beginning I was only thinking of travel as charter, staying…

  • Mexico - Foodtravel

    Mexican tacos

    Yes, we all love tacos right, and for me that’s always a given card for a dinner party, seeing as most people seem to enjoy our Swedish version of the meal. But just to spice it up a bit and just give it that little extra, we decided to go all-in on Mexican taco night. In Sweden, we mostly use minced meat, store-bought tortilla bread, and chips, along with some veggies and a hot tomatosause and sour cream. That’s basically a Swedish taco Friday, also called fredagsmys. So we made Mexican Carnitas instead of our usual meats, and a Pig out Salsa, some regular salsa, homemade tortillas, and nacho chips.…

  • Italy - Rome

    10 Advent questions about traveling – part 2

    So okay, it’s time for the second part of our advent travel questions and last time we focused on flights and getting there, so I thought it would be nice to do a follow up with destinations.   1. Where is your favorite spot in the world? Not a city or country, spot. I do have a favorite spot, or maybe it’s a favorite memory that was made on that exact spot. But anyway, my favorite spot is on top of the Castel Saint Angelo in Rome. We visited for a weekend a few years back and that place just took my breath away. Sitting at the top, overlooking the…

  • Sweden - Nynäshamn

    Two more canceled trips…

    All of the images were taken a few weeks ago, when the trees still had some colorful leaves left, but since then most of them have lost most of the leaves, but if you are lucky, you can still find a few trees that have kept its beauty. This is what the nature around my hometown Nynäshamn looks like though, quite stunning right? And as always, we would like to end this with a gentle reminder tostop by our Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest for some updates. There is beauty everywhere around you, especially in nature when the seasons are changing, so if you just wake up and take that extra…

  • Scotland - Edinburgh,  Sweden - Stockholm

    10 Advent questions about traveling – part 1

    So I have seen a bunch of lists that’s been going around for quite some time, and I thought I would do one of them, but I just had to put a little travel twist on it. But of course that gave me a lot of questions, so I thought I would divide the lists a bit and give you one of them each advent. We’re starting out with the first one, that’s about flights and airports. I hope you enjoy the read. 1. On a flight, what is your preferred beverage? Buy on the plane or bring it with you?Oh, this is an easy question, no doubt. Gin and…