So okey, I’ll start out by apologizing for the poor quality in the images, they were acually taken quite some time ago. A few years before Harry meet Sally, or Angelica meet Lee, your choice. But as I knew Lee before I ever meet Anglica, Lee was actually with us on this spur of the moment trip to Pisa, along with my husband and one of our childhood friends.
Pisa is one of those cities that I would love to re-visit. Even though the city is really small and you dont need more than a weekend to see it all, its a great little city. The leaning tower is clearly one of the reasons for visiting Pisa but the architecture in the surrondings is truly amazing.

Did you know that the tilt of the tower began in the 12th century, caused by a mind blooper, since they started to build the foundation of the tower on ground to soft to support the weight of the structure.

Pisa så fint . Det finns någonting magiskt där❤
Själv befinner jag mig i florens för tillfället, men reser snart vidare till Neapel. Så otroligt många fina ställen i Italien att besöka. Hoppas jag hinner till Pisa någon dag!
Pisa är helt klart värt att besöka 😊