Tv-series that inspire traveling
Well yes, while our boys would say that there’s no need to inspire us to travel, you always find inspiration somewhere, right?
When Maria from Fantasydining wrote about how she experienced Paris like a Gossip Girl, it made me think of a lot of different movies and tv-series that have inspired me to travel or made me want to visit a place.
Enjoy the read, hopefully, it will inspire you in some way, maybe to travel or to reenter the magical world of marathon-watching old series. I mean, what better way to start the autumn right, with some great tv-series that will inspire your traveling and a cup of tea while the rain is pouring outside.
Sex and the city and New York, obviously. Sipping a Manhattan and wearing Manolo Blahniks, sitting down for sure, my skills in heels are a bit rusty. Autumn in the Carrie Bradshaws big city, would be a trip to remember.
Outlander and Scotland, yes I’ve told you that time and again, I know. But I can’t do this kind of blog post without mentioning it again. But there are other places they visit in the show, like Paris, and the Caribbean, and in the last season, they are in South Carolina USA. But it’s Scotland that inspired me the most, enough to actually visit Edinburgh twice.
Beverly Hills 90210, who doesn’t want to be in the Walsh family? The beach, the houses, the shopping and of course the trip must include a visit to The Peach Pit. Have you seen the remake? What do you think?
Game of Thrones and Croatia. Dubrovnik was the main filming location in Croatia for King’s Landing, the capital and largest city, of the Seven Kingdoms and home of the Iron Throne.
There were of course a lot of other locations as well during the seasons, but I would have to say that Croatia was the one country that inspired me the most, but then again, I’m a sucker for medieval.
The Halliwell sisters in Charmed lived in their great mansion on 1328 Prescott Street in San Francisco. It’s really too bad that the reproduction of the series never aired, I think the fans would have loved to join a new generation of Halliwells.
I heard they did a remake of this series as well, but I haven’t heard anything of it… did you?
Yes, let’s go to New Zealand and visit the Hobbits. But did you know that there’s a hobbit house hotel in Stockholm, Sweden? I’ve actually been there, doing a fantasy-inspired fashion photoshoot. But it would be way cooler to visit the real deal.
I know that Bon Temps is not really a city like it is in True Blood, but there must be other places like it in Louisiana. Just imagine sitting at the Merlotte’s Bar and Grill, having a quiet dinner, being waited by Sookie, and just sitting there. Waiting for vampires to enter the diner. Ha. I know. But it would be great to see Louisiana.
This show lets you follow Mary – Queen of Scots, as she grows up in France. It’s a historical romantic drama, fictionalized for sure, but a great deal of the history is actually true. That series really inspired me not only to travel but also fueled my love for Scottish history.
Oh yes, me and my fantasy-inspired series right, this one is yet another vampire series that definitely got me inspired to visit New Orleans in Louisiana USA. I mean, why wouldn’t want to visit Bourbon Street, the cemeteries, the voodoo shops, and best of all experience all the great food and local musicians?
The Originals is a The Vampire Diaries spinoff with the epicly mean family Mikaelsons. And even though the hotel has had some bad comments on TripAdvisor, you can actually stay at The Royal, home of the vampires.
So friends and lovelies, it seems like I watch a lot of fantasy and chick flicks. What have you watched, or maybe read, that inspired you to travel?

Även om Sex and the city 2 inte är inspelad i Abu Dhabi så inspirerade den mig att resa dit. Blev nyfiken på vad som faktiskt fanns där.
Har nyligen kollat genom GoT för första gången och blivit väldigt lockad av att åka till Dubrovnik!
Hihi ska åka till Dubrovnik nu i maj, är supertaggad på det! Vi åker ej dit pga GoT men det är ju definitivt något som fick oss att bli mer sugna på stället! Jag bor ju i Skottland så Reign har faktiskt fått mig att resa runt till en massa platser här som är relaterade till Mary Queen of Scots, har blivit helt besatt av hennes historia!
Jag har också tänkt på Abu Dhabi, det hade varit mycket spännande att se 😊 Kul att man kan få inspiration från filmer 😊
Ja tänk om det hade blivit så att delar av GoT skulle ha spelats in på Gotland som de ville, det hade varit ballt. Men kroatien över lag tror jag är väldigt vackert, och Montenegro 😊
Anna, New York - My Bite of the Big Apple
Vilken kul idé att lista reseinspirerande tv-esrier! J
Jag tillhör ju den lilla skara som INTE sett Game of Thrones men jag har däremot varit i Dubrovnik flera gånger. Senaste vandrade jag på stadsmuren med min yngste son som skulle spana in just GoT-platser. 😊
Som bekant är jag ju NY-frälst och den kärleken bottnar säkert i alla serier och filmer man sett från staden.
Däremor kan jag inte på rak arm komma på något annat land där jag inspirerats av tv-serier. Däremot vill jag ta en musikvideo som exempel. Direkt när jag såg videon till Never tear us apart av INXS kände jag att “den staden måste jag bara åka till”. Efter lite efterforskningar visade det sig att musikvideon är inspelad i Prag. Mycket riktigt blev det en ny favoritstad, även IRL.
Anna, New York - My Bite of the Big Apple
Oj, jag råkade posta för tidigt och hann inte läsa igenom kommentaren. Det skulle förstås stå “tv-serier” och “Däremot”. Kan inte rätta i efterhand så jag lägger till denna kommentar. 😊
Oj det är inte många som lyckats smita undan GoT 😋
Men säg att du har sett Outlander?
I Prague finns det dock många bra filmer som spelats in bland annat Casino Royale, Amadeus och The Illusionist. Nu låter jag som en riktig filmnörd 😃
I am a big Game of thrones fan and the destinations truly inspire me. Sex and the city and Originals are the other two series I have watched on your list. quite awesome.
Yes I totally agree with you Sinjana 😊
When you go to NYC, you will have to do the Sex and the City Tour!
Oh I would Anisa, for sure! I would love to have a tour like that, and even a Gossip Girl one if there is 😃 That would be so much fun! 😃
What an interesting idea for a post! I traveled to some sites from the Band of Brothers video and met one of the actors, too. I was so thrilled!
What a great post! I have to admit Outlander has inspired me to visit Scotland and Trueblood, New Orleans as well!
Wow! Crazy Rich Asians surely inspired me to travelt o Singapore this summer!
Thanks Sharon 😊 Where did you travel?
Thank you Gabby!
haha cool Sarah!
Great idea for a travel post! I think that Outlander (here I come Scotland) and Lord of the Rings (been wanting to go to New Zealand for a LONG time) have inspired me the most!
So many of these shows have inspired me to travel – or at least inspired me to check out more places.
I have traveled to some places because of seeing them on TV – like Chicago and NYC!
I know Alison, Outlander is the main reason that we travelled to Edinburgh. My husband had been wanting to go for years, but it was not until I saw the show that I caved. And not Im loving it 😊
Me too Josie! 😊
Oh Chicago would be a great city to visit, espcielly after seeing so many of the Chicago Fire, Med and PD series 😊
Great idea for a post! A show that has inspired me to visit certain destinations (and eat great food) is Chef’s Table on Netflix!
This is such a great list!! I loved Charmed and completely forgot that it was based in San Francisco. Would love to visit New Zealand to see the sights of Lord of the Rings!
Fun post! I really want to watch “Reign”. I’m fascinating by the history of Mary Queen of Scots, so I know I’d love it!
Oh havent heard of Chefs table, I am checking that out 😊
Oh yes, Charmed is one of my al time favorite shows 😃
So am I Leah, I love the history of Mary 😊
There are some others as well, White Queen, thats about the history surrounding that timeline. Check it out!
I do not watch movies often but I have seen two from your list. Really inspiring to travel.
ÅÅh Charmed Måste jag kika igen!
Älskade Orginal serien men skulle ju kommit en ny Reboot 2018. Har du sätt den?? Inte kollat på den än. 😊
Jag började kika på den nya, och den har en viss Charmed känsla, men långtifrån vad man kan tycka att den borde ha. Men den ska tydligen göras i säsong 3 också, så den måste vara populär 😊
Charmed är helt klart en av mina favoriter, orginalet alltså!
tyvärr så brukar ju reboots vara så.. Men Charmed är ju så bra! Precis som du säger en första! 😊
Men måste absolut kolla den nya och se hur den är 😊
Long way round/down are great shows. Though I prefer Long way Round. I would recommend watching some more of Charley Boormans stuff. Such as Ireland to Sydney by any means/Sydney to Tokyo By any Means and Race to Dakar.